
At Dr Wongburgers, when it's right, it's Wong.

Preach, You_Promised.

I just find my brain breaks when the antagonists cross over from amusing low stakes (Toilet Thief, Phenomamom) to actual murder (Truck Driver) or kidnapping (Mutiny) (Shanghai-ing?)

I hate Mutiny because it's also the home of one of my favourite bit characters, Duval. Whose lines "I am the Spaghetti" and "But WHEN????" have completely entered my lexicon. But yeah, overall bad episode.

I did not notice how friggin MASSIVE that gun was in that episode.

'Yes, objectivity needs to die.' You are agreeing with a point not made in this article, no?

What Crazy Eyes did to Piper, including the pissing, the throwing things and - above all - not acting any way like a human being who could tell someone obviously didn't want to be with her - was not at all ok, but people (and fans!) love her.

Yup, that's how I saw it too. So right. MORE PEOPLE LOOK AT THIS POST.

So Pepsis… Are we allowed to converse with you in the comments, or would that count as heckling your hilarious 'bit'?


But I never noticed…. the curve of her trunk!

Much more in keeping with the 'broadway style' you mention being used by Simpsons and Family Guy - but yes. Amazing.

I was sold on the show from Teddy's conversation with Bob in the wall in… what, episode 2? The fact that his therapist tells him to be more assertive, but it's written up as a consultation(friend prices!) and he needs the invoice because of the numbering system are all amazing- and felt so true to character. The show

Look at me, I'm sitting in this thing! … is it on?

That Harry Potter analogy is pretty weak-sauce. Shootings don't happen because people can't do magic - QED? 

I have neither a daughter or a crime fighting side-kick, so my experience here is limited, but don't people go a little far in suggesting Batman is a 'father' or even 'father figure' as opposed to 'teacher' 'older boss' or what have you to Barbara?

I don't like that this show exists - but I do believe that kids are pretty resilient, and if - say - this show had been a one-and-done, that it could have been an interesting blip in a kids life that could be gotten over and she might not have been irreparably, irresponsibly fucked up (or any worse off than she would

I don't like that this show exists - but I do believe that kids are pretty resilient, and if - say - this show had been a one-and-done, that it could have been an interesting blip in a kids life that could be gotten over and she might not have been irreparably, irresponsibly fucked up (or any worse off than she would

'actually more emotionally healthy than most American families'

'actually more emotionally healthy than most American families'