
This seems like a textbook miscarriage of justice.

Finally RoboCop is back. I've been stuck with the porn version RoboCock. 

As a Russian, here’s a hearty “fuck you deep inside your intestines” sentiment for you. Honestly. Just fuck off. Don’t talk about shit you don’t even remotely try to understand.

“by all means, please miss the point.”

My God what have we done!?

“Saltzman based the characters on his own life”

This is another example of one of those trends in pop culture lately (which I’ve never seen a name for but I’ll go with) “informed diversity”, where a writer or actor will come out in the press and say after the fact that certain characters in a world actually were [insert fact] the whole time, you just didn’t see it.

My initial impression of Bert and Ernie - and I’m very old so I remember Sesame Street when it first aired - was that they were little kids. Little latch-key kids, home alone and doing their best to amuse themselves till the folks got home. Now, they never mentioned parents, so that impression fell away after a bit.

Ernie always seemed to be written as a child. His rubber duckie song is not what an adult would sing. “Sesame Street Live performer Taylor Morgan said in an interview that ‘I just kind of try to think like a 6-year-old or a 7-year-old, because that’s how old Bert is.’”

It just strikes me as being unecessarily woke for its own sake. You want to have a kids show that features some LGBT characters who also happen to be fleshed-out individuals? Go right ahead. But the incessant need to shoehorn identity into everything gets old quickly.

The Muppets was also a show for adults and Sesame Street is for kids.

I find this hard to believe. If Bert was gay wouldn’t he have plucked his unibrow?

I don’t threaten or commit violence, but I will tell someone who so clearly sucks that they suck, to their face. There is an implication that you’d be willing to commit violence against someone who rightfully told you, to your face, that you suck. If we ever meet in person, and we somehow figure out that you are

The gray area this exists in now is exactly where it should stay.  Let people infer whatever they want from B&E’s living situation and relationship.  The show can claim there’s nothing implied.  The writer can say their relationship was informed by his own.  People can take whatever they do or don’t want from all

Gonzo has a main chicken, Camilla, but always has a harem around him. He’s very Hugh Hefner about all of that.

Bert and Ernie...blah blah blah.

you’re a stupid garbage human.

They’re risking their lives and freedom to oppose Putin, and in doing so, they help demonstrate how monstrous Putin’s regime is in a high profile way, for the world to see. They don’t have to be genius strategists, or muckraking journalists, or political philosophers to make a difference. They are taking very, very

They have about the same number of meaningful insights as any other punk band/art collective/sentient Twitter bot. What they say or do is not the problem. That they were likely poisoned by their own government for what they say and do is the issue. That, IGAF about.

I used to live near an ice cream truck driver who would sweep through the neighborhood in the summer around 8 or 9 to get some late sales from kids after dinner and let me tell you that an ice cream truck jingle playing at dusk is very unsettling.