
Just saw the Archer episode this week where Burt is dating Archer’s mother.

aww man... I see this and the sadness actually hits me.

Fuck! Bert died too? Who's going to tell Ernie? Poor guy will be heartbroken.

I think the plot to “own the libs” is proceeding apace if we are going to hunt high and low for any and every innocuous sign that someone is a secret nazi. This woman was sitting at a long-ass, boring hearing listening to someone get grilled. I am sure that her hands were at some point in several strange and perhaps

ya theres millions of white Mexicans, idiot.

She’s just resting her arm. Stop projecting for god’s sake. I do EXACTLY this... and I mean EXACTLY. It’s not a white power symbol for the love of god!

It’s also ASL for “asshole”. 

The Warfronts were something that really piqued my interest in the game when it was announced, especially since they said they have RTS-style mechanics. I haven’t heard raves from the beta, but hopefully the finished product delivers. I would love to have some co-op RTS scenarios in WoW even if they are kinda dumbed

was it fun being the reason people hate playing the game?

One thing to consider is that Warfronts aren’t out yet, so I’m hoping those add a little bit more to the game. It’s also just the launch, so here’s to what we’ll see in the future. Legion with just the Emerald Nightmare was okay. Legion with all the bells and whistles was pretty great.

This is such a minor complaint but I think it would help with leveling the Heart: Give us a visual. Show us the necklace. Have it take on different lighting effects and colors depending on how we spend our AP and spec. It’s a minor thing but I think it would help just a bit. Maybe they change shapes depending on class

Thanks for making me feel old. Jerk.

My collection is up to 100+ and I have a save file for every one. And yet, my fat 2001 model still runs just fine!

PS2 was the first platform I owned where my collection entered double-digits. I don’t have every hit game on it, but it had such a broad range of quality game titles I still bought 38 games for it, from Jak to Ratchet to Burnout to Prince of Persia to SSX to Sly.

I could listen to him tell one joke for an hour - pure magic!

Do something with that, you freak.” Can’t say Conan didn’t ask for it.

That moth joke was genius. I love Norm MacDonald so much.