
You are bad and you should feel bad.

Dakota Johnson went to therapy after shooting. She said as much in an interview with Elle back in April, in which she said the experience of shooting Suspiria “no lie, fucked me up so much that I had to go to therapy.”

The only thing I really need to know about this movie is that Dakota Johnson is top billed. Hard pass.

Tora! Tora! Tilda!

For the record, I appreciate your jokes.

Hey! Nobody likes a sourpuss.

You should’ve made your Kinja handle “Guy who doesn’t let not knowing anything stand in front of making a lame joke.”

Shorten in to “Tilda!” 


And how does he use the power of being slender for evil?

I watched a couple of episodes, only because it was on while I was cooking or doing other shit.  Crawford has some charisma and Wayans was obviously phoning it in.  From what I saw, I wasn’t compelled to tune in regularly, but though Crawford actually seemed like a guy worth watching.

I steal only from the very best.

Not to defend Crawford’s behaviour, but he was the reason to watch the show, quite apart from the fact that Riggs is the main character of Lethal Weapon.

I was a young adult back in the space race of the ‘60s; I was there. The Mercury astronauts were absolute rock stars, household names who were going to save us all by out-flying the godless commies. But the press also made a huge deal about their families, printing and broadcasting endless pictures, interviews and

As much fun as it is to take sides, it sounds like they were both pricks frankly. I’ve been on set with both types; the demanding, screaming primadona and the disengaged wanker who can’t be arsed to show up prepared (or at all). They both make life really difficult for everyonr around them.

“..big year for astronaut’s...”

Are 65 year old men generally considered prime candidates for being astronauts?

How is the cheating on his wife bit relevant?  I mean JFK cheated on his wife and most people don’t seem terribly bothered

Where did he vote for torture?  Links please.  He was vocally and adamantly against torture, as a survivor of it himself.  Where did you come up with that? 

This sums up much of what is wrong with Obama and the Democrats in general.