
I’m gonna go ahead and add murder to your overly simplistic description of suicide is wrong with you.

The San Diego Union Tribune has said that he likely intentionally entered the freeway going the wrong direction from an off ramp and was going 100mph+ in the HOV lane when the crash occurred. Prior to that though, he crashed the McLaren through the gated entry of a local school before taking off. Some of his friends

It’s also sad how many morons are getting stuck on the definition of millennial rather than seeing your post for what it is.

Think about that poor mother and her 12 year old daughter. Imagine being her husband and the father of that child. You look forward every day to spending time with them when you get home from work and out of the blue you get a call that some loser destroyed them and took them away from you forever. You don’t even get

Thank you for not being an Internet douche. We already have for more than we need. 

Well if its any consolation this story makes me wish i was in Afghanistan right now

Thank you to your son for his service; be proud that he’s doing so rather than this kind of tom foolery.. I hope he’s called by now.

Still fuck this guy for killing a mom and her daughter with his wrecklessness. What about them and their family? What does that have to do with your son?

Simpsons did it!!!

For 12 hours a year, tribbles get to rule the world?

Yeah, I hear you.

I want to say something shallow, stupid, and sarcastic that I’m sure I would think was funny and that will probably include the word “Millennial” but no. This is just sad and tragic.

New York in the ‘70s looked like a post-apocalyptic hellscape.  I thought I was watching a Sci Fi movie.  How the fuck did people live like that?  

25? How about 45?


It’s worked before!

So you introduce a kid so people can hate the show that much more?

Real answer: because they film well
Probable movie answer: because revenge is also legal

Real talk question about Purge movies:  Is there anyone that does ridiculous white collar crimes in these things ever?  Like just spends Purge day insider trading and betting on rigged horse races?

If everythings legal, why are they wearing masks?

You’re part of the problem