If I say Lovecraft themed will everyone yell at me?
If I say Lovecraft themed will everyone yell at me?
For the most part, Liberals and Libertarians share a ton of common ground. An incomplete list of what those two groups would agree on: Militarization of police and abuse of power, government surveillance, open borders, corporate welfare, the size of our military and how we use it, racial/religious profiling, bank…
I thought it just meant I hate taxes and love pot?
Because Christmas in July is played out.
Not one person is questioning why they would air Santa Jaws in August?
You seem fun!
See, I don’t think I’ve ever been *more* attracted to her...
Kim’s explosion tonight reminded how much scarier quiet characters are than loud, exuberant ones, because when you finally see them crack it’s TERRIFYING. Her rage, paired with Howard’s cracking voice, makes me hope Fabian and Seehorn get a pair of Emmy noms this year.
It is about time that Hollywood gave Jewish talent a chance...
No. Unfortunately, many left-wingers are doing their best to be as annoying as any right-winger when it comes to things like this.
Since when is Batwoman “one of the most well-known Jewish characters in comic book superherodom”? I’m a DC fanboy and this is literally the first time I’ve heard that the character is supposed to be Jewish.
I said the same in the Netflix “Insatiable” review on here, the left is really starting to eat its own. It is like the French Revolution on Twitter and the internet now.
Ah yes, the Jews. Truly the most underrepresented minority in Hollywood.
From *liberals*, not leftists. It’s an important distinction.
Can a Jewish person even be a lesbian? Or is she ethnically (whatever that means) Jewish but not a follower of the Jewish belief structure? What’s her stance on the occupation of Palestine? Does Kate Kane have tattoos, I don’t think that’s allowed. Or do they just ignore all that in the comics?
The box she ticks for me is she has the right sort of icy cool for the character.
Why would you need to be Jewish to play a Jewish character. Should we check to make sure Ben Affleck’s parents are dead so he can play Batman?
I literally don't know how they could make it anymore clear what she needs the souls for. They keep her young and healthy. As long as she has a steady supply of them, she'll be effectively immortal, and she has the ability to hurt or kill Jesse at any time.
Maybe I’m simple-minded but I’m finding this season almost as good as the first. Wackiness is totally appropriate in a series where the Pope has a rival who embodies one of the 7 deadly sins: Gluttony, grandmothers use grandsons to acquire souls to live off of, fresh-from-hell Hitler works at a Subway sub shop…
I have to say, when the show finally paid off the episode title, I did laugh quite a bit. Although any Masshole could’ve told you Tom Brady is the Chosen One.