I’m legit praying they’re right
I’m legit praying they’re right
I cried in the middle of Target tonight like I had heard my actual grandma had a heart attack. She’s an incredible person. Fuck, man
I just keep telling myself this like a mantra. 2016 cannot take my actual mom Carrie Fisher. WOODY ALLEN HAS BEEN DYING FOR LIKE 40 YEARS JUST FUCKING TAKE HIM ALREADY
It’s not the job of a person of color to explain systemic racism and oppression to white people, and for her part, Margaret was gracious when she honestly could’ve just not responded at all or told Tilda to fuck off. Misrepresenting their conversation wasn’t great but I find it worse that Tilda seems intent on…
Great. I’m glad when any part of the sexist playing field is leveled out even a little more. Now we can ALL be forcibly drafted and killed in a world war, but we’ll die knowing we still don’t make as much as the dude dying next to us. And if he’s white, that he could likely get away with raping us next to a dumpster…
I feel so fucking bad for her students. How much abusive shit did they put up with before this?
“There are always those people.” Unfortunately true. There are always racists who play on stereotypes to justify their own racist behavior.
Goddamnit, Paris. I was rooting for you.
Cloaca. It sounds gross and it literally is the singlular vestibule out of which piss, shit, and all forms of bodily waste exit the bodies of birds, and the word itself literally means sewer. She is a walking cloaca
I hope we get in a few selfies WITH the flaming meteor and the smoldering remains of Trump Tower (the epicenter of the crash for sure) just to really throw the aliens for a loop.
None of those kids has a chance. They’ll either turn out to be a trash bag bigot like her, or she’ll mentally and emotionally destroy them for daring to dissent.
This is the scariest fucking thing a politician has said in my lifetime, truly. Past violent racism and internment is not a precedent for new violent xenophobia and internment, it should be a level that we should never sink to again as a country. This is a fucking horror show
Dr. Phil is exploitative and skeevy af, but aren’t all tv therapists? Why is the crew/production team enabling this mess instead of acknowledging that she needs real and untelevised care and getting her some? (Spoiler alert: I know the answer is money, but I have to have a shred of hope left that they have some sort…
I can’t believe Carrie Fisher invented the concept of smashing names together to make ‘ship names.
It would be difficult to be born an incredibly powerful and unstable force user to a set of parents who can’t or won’t utilize the force and so don’t understand what you’re going through, then be manipulated and groomed by the dark side from an extremely young age, be dumped by your parents at Jedi school in remote…
What a clusterfuck. (cymbal crash)
Wearing a custom made Hillary campaign t-shirt in a pussy bow style, I hope.
If Sweet Home Alabama Isn’t Stuck In Your Head Already, This Is A Massive Brand Failure
Hikari Lipstick in Scarlet! Super pigmented and creamy, stays on for hours, and it seems to look good with every skin tone. :) http://www.hikaricosmetics.com/shop/lipstick/
Hikari Lipstick in Scarlet! Super pigmented and creamy, stays on for hours, and it seems to look good with every…