VajazzleMcDildertits - read carefully, respond politely

I can’t imagine not buying a fantastic, bang for your buck, sports car just because of stereotypes.

“More than you can afford pal. A Corvette in 2025.

Hey, so Apple says the Macbook Pro uses a “72.4-watt-hour lithium-polymer battery” which is not what we’re talking about here. They use a solid state disc drive, maybe that’s what you’re thinking about?

From an independent repair standpoint, the Supra sucks because it has no wiring or engine diagnostic information available. That’s not Toyota behavior right there, that’s straight up BMW.

Calling it now that people start praising these things the moment they’re not longer available new.

“I was fired by Elon Musk.”

So instead of trying to cosplay as a modern day Tony Stark, he’s basically just a Jean-Baptiste Emanuel Zorg.

That’s the one I was reaching for. 

And Musk views everyone as beneath him.

The true(er*) measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good - Samuel Johnson (I think)

The truest assessment of character is how someone treats people he views as beneath him.

Aww babe, thank you!

As if I’d get advice on taste from someone in Arizona. 

Also you get that bullet proof Italian reliability that Alfa Romeo is famous for.

That’s all

Let’s start all articles with quotations from Miranda Priestley. That was a riot reading this article in that tone.

Now playing

Not a joke (well, not in the way you’re most likely thinking), that’s the teaser trailer to a 10-hour movie of paint drying.

I work in the industry, and Netflix is a strange animal. It’s like a secret club, like Berghain or something.  Damn near impossible to get in, and when you do, it’s for inscrutable reasons, but once you’re in, you’re in, and Netflix will greenlight your project about paint drying.

FOMO. It all reminds me of Theranos and the bidding war between Walgreens and CVS. Walgreens’ CEO was warned by others that Theranos was bad news and they should walk, but the CEO signed the deal anyway on the reasoning that they couldn’t afford to let CVS get it. It was actually better that they gamble and lose, than

On the upside, Netflix gave me $62M to make a show about this show.