VajazzleMcDildertits - read carefully, respond politely

While I agree with you on the advice (Take someone who knows what they are doing, alternatively, find a trusted place to get a PPI) - I think we’re in a bit of a semantic conflict here.

Did the dealership do something illegal? Yes.
Did Munoz do anything illegal or acknowledge something illegal to get the car? No.


I think you run it just to make sure a couple of things
1. In case something does actually show (the absence of which does not mean clean)
2. I’ve had instances where the dealer gave me a carfax that was missing certain items so running your own is definitely better.

I mean, the more info you are equipped with, the

I gotta admit, I don’t go to races nearly enough, but I enjoyed it quite a bit.

This is why I aim for the farthest parking space possible. Nobody wants those, and I never have to fight for it. They’re all too busy fighting to save 5 minutes of walking. I’d rather have the exercise and less stress. 

If you’re a “sovereign citizen” and exempt from the laws that govern the area that you are supposedly residing in, then none of the laws that protect you from violence or force apply either.

Right here, where, in response to my suggestion that we make licensing more rigorous, you said it doesn’t matter if we make licensing more difficult because people will drive anyways. The implication being that we shouldn’t make licensing more difficult.

Strawman much?

I don’t know if you know this, but people without licenses drive all the time. And I guarantee most aren’t being very talkative about it.

If they fail the test, they’re going to grab the keys and make lemons out of their own personal lemonade. 

So, I guess I should go ahead and put down a deposit on the C9 in order to get one during initial launch, eh? 

Seriously! First thing I thought when I saw that time. 

I suspect that while many enthusiasts know OF them, a lot of them hold many misconceptions about them, as in mistaken number of cylinders, bank arrangement, redline, hp output, etc...

I’ve heard v6 , v8, i4, I’ve heard it revs to 7000, 10000, 6000, 5 liters, 3 liters, all sorts of crazy stuff. While fans get other

The number of attempted reality checks in the comments of this post are amazingly high (but somehow unsurprising) 

I bought a slightly younger Toyota Yaris hatch with nearly the same amount of miles for $3k. I would rather have this for $900 more. 

I made this mistake about a million times myself, but the spelling of Mezger is without a t in it, so I figured I’d at least let you know. Maybe someone else told you already, but like I said, I fucked it up so many times myself I do at least try to point it out now.

Sorry for being that guy. 

Getting in line is easy.

You know, your dad’s relationship with GM sounds a lot like my relationship with my exes.

Being twice as stupid as George W Bush isn’t exactly something to brag about.

I think G.W. Bush said it best “You, you ain’t gonna fool me again.”

I mean, they were going to call Dark Souls “Dark Ring” originally, but they discovered that in some parts of the English speaking world, that’s a butthole. 

Nope, it’s your run of the mill suitcase. I’ve bought one from Target, one from Ross, one from Amazon. They’re all trashed, handles broken, shells cracked, wheels destroyed - and I can see them doing it from the window of my seat, as they chuck it in the cargo area with the care and deliberation that a child would