VajazzleMcDildertits - read carefully, respond politely

Every time I have checked a bag, they have destroyed my suitcase. Every. Single. Time.

I now pay to board earlier so I can have a free overhead compartment for a carryon. I make sure not to get one too big so it fits well, and I have no hassles.

If you board with a late group, odds are the overheads are full, and they

I owned the generation of SE-R right after that one, and it had cut corners in all the wrong places, and I despised the car. It was the cheapest six speed manual car I could find on the market for a reason. It pretty much soured me on Nissans altogether. 

Honestly, I’m not opposed to what you are saying, but I can imagine a lot of people accidentally running over curbs repeatedly until the adjustment period is over. I mean, they do it now, and they’re used to those cars.

I guess if you are a body shop things are looking up. 

I like how you asked in German and BMW responded in English for some reason :D Makes me wonder if this joke would stick in Deutschland.

I’ve been using a variant of this technique for years. It never fails, although it can take some time to teach what to look out for.

Admittedly, I have no idea what the ‘16 drives like, but I like the adjustable dampers in my ‘19. About my biggest complaint with the car is that the stock audio system doesn’t work particularly well with Japanese music files which I find really ironic. Oh, and the shifting speed on the 8 speed auto could be faster

Ah, that sucks... and I had a similar harsh lesson as well once

As they say, it’s expensive to be poor. 

That is lower than Arizona which requires 15k. WOW.

Yeah I do full coverage as well, but I have to admit that not everyone can afford to do so. When I was young the payoff and subsequent cheaper insurance policy requirements were a godsend as I didn’t have much money.

Was the car paid off and he had liability only? Does California allow that? 

Most pumps I’ve seen in Phoenix and northern AZ have this sticker. 

Sure, why not.
I’ve been very fortunate in life, and I love these kinds of threads.

Hey Tom,

Funnily enough, while the design you reported is accurate, the weights aren’t that far off anyway.

Car and driver lists these weights:

I think, if you tip the server the amount you got comped for, nobody can wave their moral high ground pitchforks at you, considering most of the baristas probably make way less than the people in line.

I live in the woods/mountains where there isn’t like an amazing selection of coffee all the time, so I have to sometimes go to Starbucks because I can’t go anywhere else.

Trouble is, I quit drinking caffeine mostly for brain reasons and I just want to savor some coffee taste with decaf. So I’m an edge case, but

This is the cloned bananas problem. One disease would wipe out most of the genetically engineered banana supply around the globe, thanks to its prolific use. Imagine if there was a design flaw in said engine. The recall logistics would be crazy. Look at the Takata recall. It was massive, cost tons of companies an

Well, it seems to keep working for the Tesla stans. If the narrative continues to generate some kind of marketable value, I expect him to continue doing stuff like this. 

After redesign for low CG, line tooling, testing, QA, manufacture, and marketing? Yeah I fully expect it to start at 40k.