VajazzleMcDildertits - read carefully, respond politely

Oh - I’m not trying to argue with you but I did just run into this and felt like I had to say something -
I do own a 3LZ C7, and I test drove a C7 Z51 1LT first. The interior cabin on the Stingray was tolerable, but there were all these cheap hard plastics and looked really out of place for a car that cost as much as

I’m not trying to oppose your viewpoint that a touchscreen interface might work better there but there is no way for me to determine by feel what button I am pressing on a touchscreen without looking at it. On a set of real buttons I literally just move my hand around getting an idea by touch where to go. It’s slow

I would agree that you typically get what you pay for. And you’re not wrong about ACDelco.
Although I do see people of nearly all ages (maybe not 65+) showing off in their vettes. 

Assuming you have decent spatial perception and touch sensory understanding, you can still do it by position. I’ve done it on all my real-button cars that way. It works and I’m staring at the road the whole time. Occasionally I need my hand back partway and it takes longer. 

I would actually say that if you factored the button wall rating into the overall car ergonomics and interior experience, it’s much closer to 8.5-9/10. The touchscreen is really good. the Android Auto interface is solid. The configurable dash is good. the HUD is the best I’ve seen so far in a car. The button wall is

I rented one for 24 hours. The button wall is not ideal, but still superior to any touch screen that takes my eyes off the road.

In the late 2000's I went to see a relatively low miles 04 Acura TSX for 19k, which was about 2k lower than everyone else’s price. I found out why, it was the classic bait and switch with the low asking price and then about 5k of tacked-on added fees and stuff.

I never actually have run out of gas. However, my mother had done, when I was a teenager. I, in my 13 year old scrawny form, pushed the empty tanked car for about a mile and a half with my mother steering down a rather major street in a Phoenix suburb. I’m not sure exactly how I did it. Amazingly, 2 other adults saw a

I’m just waiting for someone to comment how comparisons to the E-Tron GT will be “Taycan out of context” 

I don’t really disagree with Nathan’s stance, but Boaty McBoatface also happened, so, like, anything’s possible from my viewpoint. But yeah it would probably be a struggle to try and herd 12 million cats together online with keyboard typing only

I wonder how much it would cost per vehicle to break in the engines during assembly? I know some carmakers do this as kind of a poorly kept secret. I just don’t know the cost factors behind it. 

I am simply tired of my parents saying “I don’t remember that” and attempting to get a pass. Abusers need accountability. You can imagine how I feel about bullies. 

If it weren’t for video games I wouldn’t be here, but they are a continual and diminishingly effective crutch for the awful things that happened to me. My parents never understood that video games were the last bastion between me and complete mental breakdown.

Just don’t name it a Corvette. Nobody names their high end SUVs the same name as their sports cars. Build it with the same underpinnings, nobody cares, most non-car people think a Pontiac Vibe is a GM engineered product. Just have their marketing department do some actual work on this.

This will probably be buried, so I’ll just write what I really think instead of some filtered version.

You must be taller than I am. My corgi-like arms would not reach anywhere near the window crank on the opposite side. While I respect your dedication for no-frills simplicity and cost-cutting, my physical limits and the restrictions placed on modern cars in terms of equipment pretty much force my hand.

Holy shit, TIL

As an occasional Spam consumer, I would suggest buying Spam Lite, which to me tastes slightly better and has the advantage of being slightly less bad for you. Despite it being edible out of the can, pan frying or otherwise preparing with cooking heat is recommended. To be honest, it’s pretty awful straight from the

Yeah, this is solid. I don’t always naturally gravitate to Amano-san’s work but this is a home run. 

I went to a meet on the west end of Phoenix with a friend of mine. He owns a JDM Supra and I had rented a C8 just to gather a crowd of lookie loos so off we ent. (His idea.)