VajazzleMcDildertits - read carefully, respond politely

Ad says new Michelin Pilot Sport tires. I check the pics and yep, that’s what it is. 

My mom never explained to me what the hell it was, it was always just “eat it.”

I have my suspicions. 

MANALIVE that’s the worst filter I’ve ever seen. When you got the car, did you check the cabin filter then? I *think* I recall you buying it used. 

You should be wearing a mask right now anyway. 

Your friends sounds like a lot of fun to play DS with. Coop with a good player does make the game super fun, especially if you’re ass at it like I am.

David, as an engineer you know that iteration and development are part of the process, so I’m sure the next time you try to drift an expensive electric sports car, you’ll be able to successfully avoid the grass. 

I just wish there was an option on these things to omit the roof glass completely. I’ve always hated roof glass. Carbon fiber, aluminum, steel, just not glass, please. 

I agree with that too, it’s just that for the vast majority, that financial option doesn’t exist. A rationalization does tend to form (not always) as to why your decision was optimal, and sometimes, when others make different decisions conflict on those arises.

I’m trying to be vague on purpose, but I’ve never enjoyed

oooooh, Superhot. That did look interesting. I was also thinking I could use the headset to play driving games with a wheel and pedal setup. My wife is super into Skyrim which is why I brought that up, but there is a motion sickness aspect there, so we need to borrow and test and not rush into buy.

But all those

Haha, I’ve thought about VR a lot too and just couldn’t pull the trigger. Did you enjoy it while you did it? I am super curious about it, but don’t want to spend the money just yet.  The Skyrim VR UI looks a little weird. 

I didn’t say it was ok, it’s obviously against the letter of the rules. Practically speaking, from my viewpoint it’s not seeming to be a big priority to AAA or AAA customers. I certainly didn’t really care about that during my membership, although I never did break that specific rule. Do you have data to indicate how

I never had a PS4 base, and I wanted to play Horizon Zero Dawn so I just bought mine late at a sale, but if I had a PS4 base already or didn’t have a need to play exclusives I’d seriously question the Pro as a viable improvement, for shure.

I’ve waited for AAA (for what you would call a legitimate reason) to send me a tow truck for 4+ hours while one was literally sitting empty and waiting 5 miles away, while they sent one from 50 miles away. Their dispatch is disorganized, their tow contractors hit and miss, and their service times are so variable, that

Remember, if you ask for a AAA Tow, their one single tow truck is occupied and can’t help any others

Yeah, it wasn’t perfect on the One X, but comparatively to the other two it worked a lot better.

I’ve not owned that many, to be honest, having been able to share consoles with roommates for years.
I think my least favourite was the Xbox 360. I hated dealing with the RROD and managing its heat. It’s the only console I had to buy twice, if you don’t count a Nintendo DS Lite then 3DS to replace it. Plus since the

Having owned a Xbox One original, S and X, I can say that the very busy Microsoft UI only really works on the X, the rest having UI delay repeatedly through just normal use. PS4 has no such issue, but my PS4 Pro overheats semi-regularly and the games crash to the PS screen more often.

The only thing the Xbox One X can

A dedicated setup is what I am after. The only thing I wish I could feel is pedal resistance during braking. Trying out sims, that was the most notable thing I missed. 

I genuinely appreciate the thought, but all things being equal I’d like to be good, or at least better. I doubt my equipment’s going to matter much, though.