VajazzleMcDildertits - read carefully, respond politely

I’m not Japanese, but I am Asian and I do understand that very well. There isn’t a hustle as much as developing a foundation for the others that depend on you, and not being a sore thumb/squeaky wheel that needs special care.

TIL. I must have interpreted that differently. 

I’m a little peeved that his creations for Konami wound up being huge successes but that he still doesn’t seem to have a lot of money from it. It just seems like unless the game budgets were so high they didn’t recoup the costs, he could have benefited from some profit sharing. I’m middle aged now and I know I’m

I’m not a convertible guy at all, but I genuinely thought the Cascada was pretty. I saw it at a car show and thought it looked nice, if I were retiring and didn’t want to spend a lot of bucks, I’d definitely take a look at it.

David, in light of your progress with things, what would you calculate to be the dollar value on an hour of your time?

Appreciate it. I was pretty happy with at least some of them. 

How about Parshers?
Or even maybe the more recognizable Porschers.
... or what about Porschinskies - Torch I can’t believe you didn’t suggest that yourself.

I imagine a ton of other wordplays that might make it over there.
Asking please gets converted from bitte to Porsche Favor
Their car lineup is the Porschefolio

When i get a chance, I’m tackling Suikoden next. I missed the PS1 era of games for the most part (was into Sega Saturn and PC mostly) so I’m looking forward to getting into that, when my time lets me. 

TL;DR Do some icebreakers or polite probing questions for discussion topics, and then gear the convo as such. Read your audience and don’t shove in unwarranted information.

As a gearhead gamer, I can talk cars and vidya games pretty much all day, even though I am older and I don’t get out and brand new things like I

I never played Destiny 1. Is the wizard there? 

What kind of person - described in elaborate detail - could successfully drive one and not look completely like an entitled douchebag?

I have used olive oil in my skillet and wd40 on my rusty hinge. I am now a certified Lube Technician.

Im pretty good at mini games and it just bothers me I’ll get six excellents in a row but one good, so it’s a good. I do the same thing with fishing on special days, but it would be great if there was more than two ratings. 

I like real life fishing but as I get older I can't seem to make enough time for it.

Is a good hint. I ran into that merchant accidentally part way through the game but tbh when you're starting out you don't have the gold for that.

I don’t mind planning schedules. What I mind is that it is virtually impossible to learn what the schedule is in-game. Sure if you talk to everyone and look at every hint maybe in a game year you’ll figure it out, but depending on the fish is not a guarantee. And for a newbie who doesn't know where all the hints are?

So far every fishing minigame has become tedious for me.

If he wanted them to be taken off, he should have made them polka dot pink, not purple.

Those bastards. I’m simmering just thinking about your situation. 

My experience has been that Jiffy and other Quick Lube places lie more than any other service department combined.