VajazzleMcDildertits - read carefully, respond politely

Just replace the word standard with game launcher platform

I just thought that the Garreg Mach campus was just really really small to fit the 100+ students and staff combined, so I figured everyone was just running into each other all the time.

I don’t like Triple Triad either, and I bought the remaster anyway, hoping to give it another shot.

I eagerly wait the 2 hour 50 minute video rendition of Tim’s painstaking work on the Japanese to English translations, complete with subtitles.

I didn’t ask for $125. I asked for $105. I haven’t received a notice to verify my claim yet, although I can.

I traded in my NES a long time ago - SNES and original game boy I gave to my sister.

I wish that higher levels/higher stats team members would have a bigger motivation bar. I just stopped using the lost items altogether because it was easier to ramp up support and motivation levels with gifts which I can either buy or farm for. 

My preferred DC lineup was:
Grandia II
Skies of Arcadia
Jet Set(Grind) Radio
Record Of Lodoss War
Gauntlet Legends
RE: Code Veronica
Power Stone 1/2
Marvel vs Capcom 2 - Gonna take you for a riiiiide

I’m really excited by this. The implications behind colonies mean that perhaps part count limits will be much higher. I want grotesque huge ships reminiscent of epic sci fi yarns, so I can guarantee that all Mun Kerbal residents can receive their pizza delivery from Kerbin in under 15 minutes.

I struggled with this card game. I tried to like it, but maybe with this remaster I’ll get another chance.

I just read them because it was the quickest shortest way to understand how to use things, or make them better.

If it makes you happy - in your heart of hearts you should believe this, Tim.

Oh thanks heavens, you understand

Mario is heavily underrated. The reason for this is while everyone else does one thing well, he does everything nearly as well.

Science is hard, and you miss 100 percent of the shots you don’t take.

On another note, I’m getting a fog-resistant shaving mirror that point a LED light directly at my nose hairs. I’m quite excited.

I agree, but I can’t edit the comment any longer. I was going to add another stroke LOVE IT to the end of the “like it” line.

I didn’t consider “what the hell is Marmite?” which is probably the biggest case I’ve missed. 

I also love Marmite, come join us over in the 30% of finers. 

I’ll try to save you the next 100 comments