VajazzleMcDildertits - read carefully, respond politely

All I said was that 10k wasn’t really accurate, and then gave examples. You countered with your own personal information, which I didn’t ask for. It sounds like you missed the forest for the trees. I tend to read everything someone types to me as a courtesy. Feel free to let me know which parts you write to me I’m not

I have no idea what you sounded off for other than to be pedantic?

I’m posting this response primarily because I can’t tell what you mean to convey from your last response, so I’m looking for clarification, not internet argument points from either of us.

Eh, it’s not really close to 10k a month take home.

My mind is blown from this exchange. 

The only time I’ve seen people care about the car you drive is when you pull into a dealer’s parking lot and they see you in something that is in high demand in the pre-owned world.

Adding a bit of Linkle would be cool. 

I agree with you 100%, but the only thing it reminds me of is whenever I try to explain any simple concept even peripherally related to programming. If I can’t find an analogy that passes the Futurama test “Like putting too much air into a balloon!” even the smallest amount of technical terminology makes a lot of

If I were rich enough to afford a LFA I’d daily it.

For those of you playing car bingo at home, the next square to fill in is “vanity plate.” 

Missed this earlier. I’d be curious as to the numbers with a turbo-4. Based on the way the C8 is looking it seems they’re not going to go that way. 

I have an old friend who really loved hers and laments that they don’t make it anymore.

Having owned one for some time now, I can tell you that if you keep the foot between 10-20% the car feels extremely normal, just like a regular slightly firm-ride sports car.

Indeed. It’s a pretty short sighted metric. Some places do post 5-60 rolling times, which is nice to know.

Mine’s a White one with black + red stripe wheels manual in Phoenix AZ, so not a match there. But I’m sure that your dad’s cousin probably reflects a non-trivial number of Vette shoppers in the country.

Is the Carrera a 4s? 

Hello fellow spleen-punch wanter! I know exactly how you feel. 

Hey look man, I didn’t mean to piss you off, so I apologize if I took some generalist liberties. Not all the C3s were slow, just the one used in this example. But genuinely, is this the battle you want to fight here?

It kind of does - warranties are expensive and new cars are expensiver. Your income matters highly then. Even if you save and don’t finance, how long is it going to take to get an average new car nowadays if you make $10 an hour vs $60k a year? 

It really depends on how poor I am.