VajazzleMcDildertits - read carefully, respond politely

Young and old, cocky guys with more HP than rubber go into the wall.

A guy who grows up admiring his dad’s C3 gets a C7 with 2x or 3x the HP and he just turned 50, and he just wants to cruise and the car jumps at every application of the throttle, so he trades it back in and gets a Lexus? Sounds possible.

I found the amount of power for me exactly right. But ymmv obvs

Don’t know how the counter applies. We all know Hellcats are quick and the C3 was slow, which is the point I was making. 

When I bought my Z06 the salesman had a story about a guy who test drove it half a week ago (I slept on the decision for like, 2.5 weeks before pulling the trigger) who went out and came back and said it was too much for him.

Honestly I think this is the best looking Ferrari I’ve ever seen. It is exactly what I imagined a futuristic car would look like when I was a child, decades ago.

Thomas Donohue is 300% correct, but there’s one other metric for me, and that’s the door slam test.

Are there any 240 volvos scoped for the established budget?

Yeah, I know what you mean. Although the 2nd gen front end is better than the first gen front, which just looked a bit... frumpy.

I know right? What a tragedy....

Yep the difference is they don’t mind, since they make $100 dollars faster than they can light them on fire. 

Oooh tough call. Both are fun in their own way. I’m leaning slightly more towards Tundra right now. 

I know some one-percenters and they have a different outlook on boats, but even that outlook follows the same rule you have. 

Two Ideas -

Yeah - I should be able to get 10k out of them optimistically but for me I must be using them a little harshly, as they are at 5k and I know I’m not going to get more than 2000 more out of them.

Street-legal Michelin Pilot Sport Cup 2s only last 5k miles or so. Maybe a little longer if you go really easy on them.

My point is that most boomers < all Millenials. 

I’m fairly certain that Millenials and Xers are not responsible for Boomer pensions going away. 

I think it looks great and I’d definitely cross shop one if I were in the truck market.