VajazzleMcDildertits - read carefully, respond politely
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I recall the ending scenes in AC and I thought Aerith’s presence in those scenes were really well done.

I didn’t mention how accurate it was, just that he was a huge intolerable shit. In that we are agreed.

I haven’t even seen the video yet and I already think this is true.

I enjoyed the game immensely, but thought that Boy was the most cocky kid protagonist I’d seen in fiction to date.

I wonder if they will lift the dialogue and plot from the original game, or if that will be tweaked heavily? I also wonder if they will reuse the Japanese seiyuus from previous iterations like Advent Children for the Japanese voices.

I’m tickled pink at how excited you are for the game. It’s infectious. 

Yeah honestly Edea could have probably walked through and nobody would have been the wiser.

Alanis, I detect no Yu-Gi-Oh references in here. No, I don’t seem to be able to let that go since you mentioned it.

I grew up slurping noodles. As an adult, I found that my female friend at the time had a look of disgust every time I did it, which is when I discovered the divergence for it in the States.

I asked once at age 13 and got a curt “none of your business.” Well, ok.  Can't really blame that reaction. 

I didn’t realize that there was a remake of Fruits Basket or that it was slightly embarrassing to have seen the first anime series.

Actually, I’m with Erin on this one... that Volvo is just what the Doctor ordered, I think. 

I’m fucking stealing this, this is fantastic.

haha thanks

TBH I don’t really wanna stop you. You do you, boo

I can laugh at myself sometimes. 

Oh, I didn’t say manuals are safer at all. I said it stops me, specifically me, from fiddling with my phone. Please check again. And while I’m grateful for the apology, I realize I might have inferred something that set you off, so I feel like it probably wasn’t necessary, and offer a mutual apology back in return. 

Look, I’m not a fan of ad-hominem at all, so take this not as an argument to be made, but an observation from someone who tries not to take the piss at others but winds up taking a lot of flack from people who can barely read and write - and I don’t mean you. 

Kudos for transparency, but I’d suggest instead reviewing what you wrote before you hit send.

Then SAY THAT instead of all that other shit you said. That sounds like a perfectly valid point.