VajazzleMcDildertits - read carefully, respond politely

Why in the ever living fuck are people advocating fucking around with their phone while they’re up and down shifting? I’ve been driving stick for 12+ years. I went out of my way to buy sticks when I could have had autos. I don’t fuck with my phone while driving, and I’m regularly downshifting and upshifting depending

I don’t know why you keep implying your normal traffic pattern matches everyone else’s. Doing 15 on the streets out here (they’re 45-50 limited) would be essentially suicide.

Do you stay in first gear at 30 mph? That’s the kind of traffic I’m talking about. Local street navigation is my day to day. 

I agree that it’s way easier than it used to be, but it still seems to take 2 hands in normal non-highway traffic. 

Are they counting the people who use Android Auto and Apple CarPlay? I can do pretty much anything the phone would let me through via the screen. I don’t know if their app is even bothering to factor that in, considering I can play with my car’s media head unit all I want in traffic.

Well let me tell you, Imma have WORDS for the next "Ask Us Anything".... assuming you're ok with that.

I'm not the most perceptive reader in the world, but I'll be reading with extra care from now on. Also hopefully you're slowly convincing your editors of how great it is?

I played through everything I could find in the Dreamcast version of this and even played the little VMU mini game for hours. It was great.

How come you never tie in your Yu-Gi-Oh fandom into your car articles... we need an editorial exclusive on this

Alexis, Lexus manager, definitely owned a Lexus. 

As we all know, English is mutable and constantly evolving.
Irregardless is in Mirriam Webster as “nonstandard.”

The NSX groups I’ve met are the chillest people I’ve ever interacted with. They’re all successful happy people who don’t sweat the small stuff and 99.99% of them do not care about drama or stupid shit. They even put up with my stupid Vette. 

Ah. I’ve never noticed, but I have a terrible sense of smell. It might be time to swap out the in cabin filter. 

But anyone who says the NSX is too digitized or boring just hasn’t had the chance to actually push the car.

I recall as a child, watching someone play a NES at the store, and casually remarking that it would be great if they could make a Nintendo that you could put in your pocket.

Tim, I hope people keep paying you to do this stuff. 

Funny thing - Subnautica’s Cyclops submarine has in-game documentation about how it’s supposed to be run by multiple people, but you have to basically just sort of get around by driving it yourself. So kind of the reverse as Sea of Thieves, then, at least for you. 

So I know a teensy bit of Japanese after having sat through untold amounts of Anime and Japanese cinema, although I can’t read kana worth a damn. Do they mean Ringo, like Apple, Ringo?

I don’t even know what to think at this point. 

What about it?