VajazzleMcDildertits - read carefully, respond politely

I like drifting, I am not really a drift-specific kind of guy but I get it for others. I will say that drifting cars are photogenic as fuck. And there’s nothing wrong with a little sliding now and then.

When under threat, A Torchinsky will crouch, assume the windmill arms rotating position, and send out a warning yowl that sounds like a rotary engine at 8000 rpm.

Thank you Tom! Easy to drive - still exotic - not the beaten path - this is the NSX’s forte. Also, he’d love that car community. 

Honestly the way they did the name was kind of confusing to everyone.

It would be really funny if Ballaban makes everyone say Michael Ballaban when addressing him.

I drove a STI for 3 years, and when anyone asked I’d just say I have a used Subaru. Depending on the reaction it was easy to determine what else they wanted to know. First date with my now-wife I told her that, and the convo passed (She’s not a car enthusiast.) We walk outside, she points at the huge wing and goes

I don’t know if this carries over in Super, since I haven’t watched it, but I grew up watching Jap subs of the original series. One thing that stood out, outside of the fights is how dim Goku is in that typical common sense way. He either doesn’t know or doesn’t care about a lot of the day to day aspects of living, or

Oh, I remember now where I saw that rear end last.

The Honda Fit gets so much attention (I’m guilty of foisting attention on it to prospective buyers as well) that this hatch does typically get omitted. At that price it’s definitely worth a look, in the eco-hatch range. It’s probably bigger than a Fit, too, although I’ve never sat in one.

I haven’t quite mastered the Porsche 911 trim nomenclature yet. So if these all have Turbos, is there still going to be a Turbo trim with a Turbo, or will it be a S+ or something? Will this make the GT2 semi redundant with the Turbo? 

Speaking of Chosen ones, there’s been no word on the Kung Pow sequel since announcement. 

I prefer the term “Colorectal Pheromone Enthusiast” 

What I’m gathering from this whole thread is, if you know how to math and how to money, financing long term is fine, and if you don’t know how to math, fucking don’t sign up for anything before you can stop the stupid loop in your own brain. 

PREFACE: Sorry for the wall of text, I like talking about auto finance for some reason.

Why in the world would anyone be ok with this? VW dealer service departments must make a killing. 

Honestly based on the way the Japanese did Spiderman I am pretty okay with putting more Japanese influence in just about anything cinematic.

It would actually be really cool if Patrick would pony up for someone to take this to Italy and drive it from north to south.

C’mon, y’all know that this is clear and simple bourgeoisie fan service.

Well, have you tried wet mode? Like in various puddles, bodies of water, and perhaps a slip and slide or two. 

My wife and I agreed that I would be immediately killed on a bike. That’s bad for my 401k.