VajazzleMcDildertits - read carefully, respond politely

What would be even greater is if the cabin were rendered non functional, and the driver sat on top of the Fit portion of the roof, driving around in a bolted on bucket chair whilst pulling ropes and pushing on pedal extensions. Like a carriage. 

I can see out of the Corvette better. I’ve sat in C6s and a C7, and it is better simply as it adjusts better for my specific angle and height.

I would say yeah, but for me anecdotally, I can not see out of a damn Camaro (including the newest revision) and the Corvette is the only performance Chevy I can consider.

I really hope that we can get a real design prototype showing - I’m tired of speculative renders and camouflage, and am saving my opinion popcorn for the actual design release.

I wonder how much of that open grille is functional for airflow/heat transfer? It’s a bit darker/bigger than the previous photos.

But Ron Perlman told me war never changes! Now I don’t know what to believe.

Who wants to bet that dealers who receive one of these will let it get stale on the showroom floor for 15k over MSRP?

This just proves it’s always a good idea to Michael down your Vincents.

If there was a way for the Breaking Madden guy to do this, I would support this 100%. I think Jon Bois stopping making them, however.

Now playing

I think you mean “Bwoaaaah You forgot Kimi winning a race.”

Just a bit uncanny. Yeah.

Great feedback, thanks! I’m still plugging my way through Origins slowly and I was thinking that all the side quest extras were starting to get a bit tiring, and I’m only at level 17.

I loved the old Mechwarrior and Mechcommander games as well. Still love seeing those LRMs flying into the sky. Just made the nicest whooshing noise. 

Question - does your place of employ provide a budget for downloading a bit of DLC speed-up packs, when applicable? I was curious about it for games like AC:Odyssey where pacing tends to change mid game.

There was an expansion called BATTLETECH FLASHPOINT that came out for it recently, which I haven’t tried (beat it before it came out) but that should also help you really dive into it.


Kind of like Fancy Kristen, “Small Town Girl Alanis King Jones: A+” has kind of a fun ring to it.

I’m surprised no one has photoshopped it holding a “Please kill me” sign. 

Wow, that was a rollercoaster for the first 30 seconds.

Yeah, I agree that it’s not a great number. I was just glad to see ANY number. Nobody else I talked to in my circle of friends bought or played it.