VajazzleMcDildertits - read carefully, respond politely

Damn, I don’t have a car based one, that’s good.

HIV Virus

I literally can’t even

Wait.. they have ammo? You can break them?

Don’t forget about the inevitable caravan conga line!


I like you.

My VIN is 0118 999 88199 9119 725 .... 3

I know as far as tautological grievances go, this is one of the more pedantic, but it sticks out like sore thumb (and obviously it’s not Ryan’s fault, he’s just quoting it.)

Aw, I like both raisins and mayonnaise.

Replace the D? Never, one D is enough for me.

I’ve always loved this video.

I would guess he already had stitches from an unrelated incident

Can’t think of anything but System of a Down’s Chop Suey.

They could call it “One Punch Mode”

Bradly Brownell’s bracing blogpost of a Brabus built Bimmer beater boasting big brakes? Marvelous Mercedes memo for meaningful motions after muching muffins on a Monday morning.

That’s the slipperiest slope I know. One moment you’re fine, and then you see a pizza advert and your willpower is sliding faster than hot cheese off of too much sauce.

I really like these. But with all the smugmobile stuff I see posted on the internet for just about every vehicle, make and model, I wonder if we will still meet the nicest people on a Honda?

So, I’ve been regulating my food intake hardcore for the last 3-4 months, and have successfully started losing the weight I gain from stress eating at work.
Pizza is on the nono list. But I LOOOOOOVE pizza.