VajazzleMcDildertits - read carefully, respond politely

I like it when they mash the two together.

I’m Korean and I can read the Hangul, so I’m good, but I’m actually curious to all the permutations of mangling.

When’s the Korean version for Hyundai coming out? That word’s butchered all over the globe.

Oh, it’s nice that Austin owned an Austin. That fits very well with my idealistic world views.

Oh shit, I love everything about this.

Real men leave the brown downtown.

When I go, I want my epitaph to read “You know you want a $300,000 Ram that can’t haul shit” just seems like a great catchphrase to tote around for the rest of eternity.

Would that work better than “My ‘92 Mustang can totally beat that” ..?

The First Amendment represents America’s freedom to all individuals who have no idea how it’s supposed to work. Way easier just to believe what you want to believe about it, instead of reading and understanding the actual structure of application.

So would I, but I think you would be better at it, and also deserve money. Paid by Gawker, obviously.

You have angered the gods, and the head god, Redacted, has thrown his mighty comment thunderbolt to apply some humility.

There should be a Jalop staff member that does the Jalopnik equivalent of Ken M. He could take point on baiting like this.

This is pretty good. Thirded for COTD

I’d like to ask you about the penis mightier. Will it really mighty my penis, man?

This was a roller coaster of a read, Tim.
Never stop.

Oh, Camelot. I wish Sega and Camelot would release the IP rights for Shining Force 3 - the full series. I’d pay so much goddamn money for a remaster - I certainly paid out the nose for the import Saturn CDs.

Unpopular opinion: I liked the gameplay, graphics and battle system from SF3 way more than FF Tactics on the

It can get a lot creepier. Imagine a stalker who managed to get a holo of you on the first date prior to the restraining order. Now he rides with your likeness everywhere despite the legal action taken.

I find it interesting that since there is no engine noise, you can hear a significant amount of what other cars are doing. Could possibly be a chase vehicle for a filming project.

Lovely sound. Believe me, the exhaust will come first, it’s just been a lean year so I plan it for next year.

It’s a beautiful 08! Mine is still completely stock, 2010. I plan on keeping it for as long as the fates will it.