VajazzleMcDildertits - read carefully, respond politely

I’m getting random comment responses to my comment there cause of this link. Feels like the circle of life.

Based on the headline alone, I’m imagining a fleet of trucks with AIs programmed to feel like they have to pee but could hold it for another stop.

can confirm, I am a Lynch fan and also full time sackrider.

Wouldn’t it just be just some kind of rehash of Lost Highway?

Skill levels vary quite highly in our group. Communally, that’s not fun at all, if only one or two people continually beat the crap out of the other two. This is why co-op exists.

Some of my friends got together and had a big LAN. We had Overwatch, Civ, Counterstrike, PUBG, LoL, Starcraft, Roguelike co-ops, all sorts of stuff. So four of us there get to talking and we spin up a Doom 2 coop run and we blitz through that on Ultra Violence for a few hours, getting through about 15 levels. Game is

It’s chassis the term is both plural and singular.

Oh, shit, Morrowind AND PD Orta? I never beat Orta on the Xbox classic and I loved it, even if it didn’t really replace Saga.

If he fits what I have seen of AZ court judges you could probably have a pretty good time Hooning the Hoonable John Hannah on an entertaining surface

I was on Normal and it took me about four tries to understand the intro combat before I managed to finally get to a point where I can save. I play Soulsborne as well so I get the whole difficulty thing, but with little to explanation as to what was possible, combined with the amount of time a retry takes, made the

In fact, I seem to be suggesting you date no one but judges


Is your ex a judge with a legally binding decision making ability in court?
Is your ex the Honourable John Hannah?

No one is going to pick it, ever, so I might as well just get it on there

Well the Japanese don’t seem to want to stop whaling, so we should also get our whale penis leather while we can, too.

I don’t disagree that talking while driving is less safe than focusing on driving alone, but I think a wider sense of proportion might come into play here. People also don’t indicate/signal, text, eat, hog the left lane, don’t go when the light turns green, don’t check their blind spots, don’t look ahead far enough,

Good on you for getting out. That place sounds like a toxic dump.

To all the people commenting that people should use their parking brake: you’re right.

A bonus is working continously for multiple weeks and weekends combined with a continuous 72 hour final push at the end to get a critical project up and off the ground and being thanked with a $25 dollar visa gift card.

If this were a movie being played at a theater someone at that point would have started yelling “PUT YOUR HANDS BACK ON THE WHEEL, YOU IDIOT!”