VajazzleMcDildertits - read carefully, respond politely

I’m continually surprised and pleased that new (to me) people are enjoying the name. Been using it a couple of years now.

Hubris, thy clan be of Dildertits

You should hear what my parents call me.

Grid children will be forced to run along side the cars for as long as the race lasts.

To remember what VINs I have, I typically go to into my geico account and look it up, which actually is faster than me struggling with my wallet to bring out the insurance card I’ve stuck in there.

First shot - what’s all the white stuff under his neck? It looks like his figure’s head has been severed from his body! AAAAAAAHHHH!!!!

To use D&D terms they have high Intelligence statsbut used their throwaway roll on Wisdom. The pattern is directly proportional self control, self awareness, and information available. That’s my take on it.

I’ve gotten probably 30 responses to this comment, and I’ve judged 0 of the comments made in any response. You’re jumping to conclusions based on things you thought you read between the lines, but you’ve misinterpreted my intent.

Let’s chuck it around VIR with the big boys.

Warning: wall of text. TL;DR we need a cultural change more than a policy change. Hindsight is 20/20 and people are probably stupider than we think.

The gripping hand is that if everyone only spent within their means, major portions of the American economy would fall into recession. It’s not just a cultural thing, it’s economic, too. How would Q4 sales look if everyone decided at Christmas to set an upper bound of $50 per person? People might start jumping out of

It basically is. I think their subprime rates are pretty comparable to the rest of the market, and Mitsu hasn’t built much to capture anyone else’s eye, but a lot of their US car business is on subprime loans.

I’m mentally bouncing around the idea of a widely available car sales place that undercuts the subprime market by a significant margin. It would be interesting to get a supply of basic vehicles that serve peoples’ utilitarian needs that don’t need to be sold on quite the margin that the subprime sellers go for.

If the

My personal record for an auto loan that I managed to pay off is 29% for 3 years. None of my friends have ever beaten that APR, but I don’t recommend that anyone try.

I don’t run any Department of Education in this country but if I did I would be proposing several changes, of which your point would definitely be one.

That’s also how I got out of my bad credit situation myself. It takes a lot of discipline and a lot of cashed in reality checks to stop your other checks from bouncing. Many people still need education - just had a crash course with one of my siblings, for example, who never got that lesson.

I saw that! I was highly amused.

Not to fan the flames of the foil hat, but your data presence in the modern commercial network is quite substantive if you’ve ever made a major financial decision or online decision. It’s one of the penalties of having a information based society, sadly.

I have been there too. I feel like many people don’t know how hard that road is. Good on you, I wish you nothing but the best.

I think in our most recent times a lot of lenders (not banks, maybe, but direct financiers) are actually doing stuff like this to try and get a more granular picture of someone’s financial reliability. I’m for it - better and more accurate information I think helps everyone.