An Exercise In Bad Taste

I admittedly felt that way about it too, at first. That it was just a bad joke. But then I figured, if someone took a photo of me like that, with or without a thick vest on, i’d be pretty fucking pissed about it. Maybe not demand-a-resignation pissed, but still.

Oh jeez - you’re right. There’s no way ANY of those people will be personally caring for the sharks. Ugh. I will continue to hope for an epidemic of rich people “falling” into the tanks.

So, on the one hand this is fucking great because the sharks are going to attack/eat some very deserving people. On the other, a bunch of sharks will be taken from their habitat to amuse some giant children who will tire of them quickly.

WTF does that guy mean?? “Payback” for WHAT?? Filling his childhood imagination with wonder? What does this guy think the sharks did to him??

Ugh. Don't forget he owns Whole Foods now. Another thing I have to boycott. Jeff bezos just HAD to insert himself into my fucking groceries.

I couldn’t understand most of what that idiot said, but I did catch something about “you get everything for free.”....where the fuck does THAT come from? Is that some kind of socialist fear-mongering the right is using now?

I phrased my post badly. I agree - the distinction doesn’t matter. It’s all equally egregious and harmful.

They really just don't see the irony of this, do they?

So I guess they’ve officially shifted from “no collusion” to “collusion isn’t illegal!”

“As accepting of being touched as housecats.”

Apparently the shark is doing ok now, but the idiots poured BLEACH into the filtration system, which could have seriously harmed the other wildlife. What a waste of oxygen those people are.

Ugh. I actually get hit on by these guys sometimes. I’m thin due to intestinal complications related to Ehlers Danlos. (I’ve also been doing the goth-blonde thing for a couple of years - they get confused sometimes and mistake me for one of “their type” of woman.) they seriously don’t understand the word “no.” the

I was also a fan of the Dealing with Dragons series. Just wanted to mention that. 

He reminds me of Mr Ambrose.

...her husband’s PERMISSION?!? WTF. That's some backward ass Scott Pruit shit!!

Yeah, its “aphebiophelia” if the victims are over 13, which is equally harmful, but I guess I understand the need to sometimes'distinguish aphebiophiles from people who prey on small, pre-pubescent children. 

My cousin’s child was literally just born with neither of those things, shit-for-brains. What category would you assign people like that into?

Yes, in familiar with the case, so none of this is really new information. The article seems to be suggesting that the fact that she was friendly with him after is what really proves she wasn’t raped.

The few times I have joined gyms, I have discontinued due to getting harassed by men (often the staff who have access to my number.) a women’s gym would be a welcome change from that.

“Mattress girl’s” assailant had a history of forcing himself on people, including another dude. Just FYI.