An Exercise In Bad Taste

Also it infuriates me that he and his lawyer thought they could use the fucking photo to exonerate him. A woman’s credibility is THAT low to them. And I’m sure a lot of men (and women in the 53%) saw that photo and thought “that crazy bitch! His hand isn’t on her ass, and you can’t prove it is!”

My kitty’s hypoallergenic food is made with pea protein (and ducks). It seems a little gross to me, in part because it comes out the exact same color - but she loves it and it's keeping her healthy and round :) (she has a malabsorption problem and kept losing weight with ALL other food, even the high calorie kind.

“I don’t even go near women anymore.” I really hope he’s hit with thousands of snarky replies about how  none of us want him anywhere near us and he might as well go to a fucking monastery.

How many trolls have replied to this with “NOT ALL OF US EXTORTED HAITI”? I could check the greys, but that wouldn't be good for my blood pressure.

This guy also dumped a puppy at a pound after 2 months.

I really don't see the point of dissolving lip injections. They literally only last for a couple of months, and they start fading even before that. 

If this guy came to my door, I would be freaked out enough that I'd WANT to call LE, but since the cops did fuck all when I was in college and was an actual victim of violence, I never made a habit of relying on them.

What a rotten way to harass children. I'm glad people who have read the story are confronting them. Hopefully people in their immediate community will stand up to them as well, and give Mr Reggie plenty of business. 

I think the point would be the degradation factor, as opposed to causing maximum physical pain. :-/ 

I’m trying to get past the fact that he orders/picks food up himself. Doesnt he consider himself way too important for that? I’d be surprised if all his takeout wasn’t fucked with in some way.

“what am I supposed to talk about with Stephen miller? We don’t have any of the same food allergies!”

Sorry steve. They already have your money.

!!!! Didn’t the exact same thing just happen like 2 months ago to another child??

What is it with these people equating verbal confrontation and peaceful protests with “attacks” and “assault?” It’s like when they say “you can’t get away with saying ANYTHING anymore because of PC culture!” Are they that afraid of the prospect of having like...a debate? Or a public discussion? Because possibly they

The vast majority of victims of black homicide are black. Furthermore, those homicide statistics are based on convictions, which we know are flawed. (I really cant emphasize enough that the data is very problematic.)The stats also include cases of manslaughter and other accidental deaths, as well as self-defense -it’s

Yeah the libtards defend every black person accused of anything, e.g. Oj simpson, R Kelly, Cosby...

Right because people who wave guns around always respond reasonably to deescalation.

While I agree that we shouldn’t “need” to go to such great lengths to defend ourselves, I highly recommend that women get some solid self-defense training and even get a license to carry a weapon if that’s something they’re comfortable with. If more of us start fighting back and proving that we can be dangerous too (if

Well apparently a LOT of women are “hanging out in the wrong places.” How do you expect women to be able to suss out which men are going to rise to the occasion of fatherhood, and which ones are going to shirk the responsibility, if so many of them have no interest in fatherhood before there's an actual baby in the