An Exercise In Bad Taste

I've lived in Hollywood, New York, and San Francisco, and just FYI, your supposedly liberal guy friends are the same ones that put downers in women's drinks and finger passed out people. 

Fine, so maybe you arent one of them. Should we all not hold the millions of problematic ones responsible??

...what “bad ending that we have all seen before” is he talking about, re: the hormones? Does he think they're an addictive prescription drug?

“This guy wasn’t calling anybody!” .....but she said he was scrolling through his phone!!!

“Men want women who want children.” WTF. Has she just never met a man?

I thought I was incapable of coming for a long time. Then I started sleeping with women and realized that I absolutely was capable, and the problem is that men have no idea what they're doing.

Well yeah, he murdered a cat like it was nothing. I'm surprised that hasn't been a bigger deal to people. 

So he chose a man who doesn't know where Aleppo is over a fairly qualified woman. He still sucks.

Yes - it is. Even catnip can be really unpleasant for some animals, and weed is considerably more potent. (As someone who reacts really badly to weed, I heavily sympathize with those animals.)

calling the cops on white men taking up too much space on the train needs to be a long term thing, since taking photos and shaming them was not nearly enough.

Ugh. Please don’t mention stephen miller and any kind of “gasm” in the same sentence.

I was probably that tiny goth girl.

“We are not allowed to peacefully assemble. We are not able to speak.” Except for that time they all assembled (and got violent) and talked to the media, who reported pretty much everything they said.

There is definitely a preference for tan curvey women among agents and directors, as well as people who are truly different looking, heavily modified, or non-white (porn is totally racist), but Stoya really has nothing to complain about.

I really want Stoya to go away. I was in porn for a couple of years, and never really understood the disproportionate media opportunities given to her by publications like Vice and The Village Voice. There are plenty of other educated pornstars who could be answering these questions, and who have more experience with

So if the cops decide that some lady looks like a prozzie, and she happens to be carrying prophylactics, she might be charged with soliciting? Because that could include just about anyone. I know they mentioned something about corresponding online activity, but we know how the cops get with profiling.

Glad to see that he’s under enough stress to have lost about 70% of that neck fat. (Although the loose skin is pretty equally gross)

Oh that’s just Steve desperately trying to convince people that he’s capable of actually having an erection. It’s never happened.

I really hope this is the case.

I know he’s disastrously out of shape, but crazier things have happened, and it’s possible...that he killed her.