An Exercise In Bad Taste

It annoys me because of the double standard. There are men with “dadbod” on magazine covers - it’s celebrated in many instances. These are the same publications that tear female celebrities apart when they gain baby weight.

How the hell does literature threaten the “safety and security” of prisons?? Literature in prison gives people who were deprived of a proper education the chance to self-teach and evolve. It’s the one positive, productive outlet they have. There’s a documentary called “The Fear of Thirteen” about a formerly illiterate

If you had no idea what a hashtag meant, would you wear a pin endorsing it? At an event where people are being filmed? And reporters are asking everyone about what they’re wearing?

Few things enrage me more than “dadbod.” There’s nothing about hanging out with children that should cause weight gain. Whereas mothers have an actual fucking pregnancy to endure, and I doubt I’ll be alive to see the day (if ever) when people stop shaming women for looking imperfect after having a fucking baby.

Unfortunately, a lot of the responses are pretty fucking inadequate. Especially in this case. Either he put on a button without knowing what it meant, or he forgot what it meant on the way over. Weak.

Thankfully I never had to deal with college males of any kind. I was mostly sent to white-collar bachelor parties, and the men were just awful. Nothing too disastrous ever happened because they would send security with us, but that didn’t stop anyone from being grabby or verbally offensive. The words “no” and “don’t”

I’m only slightly younger than him, but he easily looks 15-20 years older than me.

There are definitely some Jonah parallels - except he has Jonah’s level of insecurity/incompetence plus a huge reservoir of race and gender-based hate. That one difference almost make sure Jonah sympathetic by comparison. Like, at least he’s not a bigoted rape apologist? Low bars.

Fuckface started appearing on the news and getting jobs with Michelle Bachman and her ilk after he vocally defended Duke U lacrosse players who sexually assaulted one stripper of color, and threatened another with a broom handle. Nothing he does or says surprises me.

...white people speak to you in slang? What a bunch jackasses. I’m sorry you have to deal with that - I hope you call people out for their rudeness. I think a lot of white people live in a comfy bubble of ignorance which won’t pop until they realize they’re embarrassing themselves, or that they’re not nearly as

He looks like Michael Cera’s violent disturbed secret brother.