
I think you are going to find that as the SX gets actually becomes available sales for it are going to outpace the SS.

How long has it been since games haven’t been fully designed for bottom of the rung videocards?

They likely aren’t. I think it’s more likely that there are more APU’s that failed SX qc but are perfectly fine on the SS and as a result there are just more of them available

I think it’s because sometimes these articles read a little tone deaf. Like they are trying to imply that the only console in stock outsold every other console not available, for reasons other than stock.

From my understanding (and seeing it on my nephews middle of the road computer) it was never really terrible on PC’s. The biggest issues were consoles and bare minimum rec pc’s. 

No, babies are more safe from idiot parents that would use this device to make decisions on their baby’s health.

I’m unsure about all that but the fact that this is designed to go on a baby in order to monitor vital information that you use to make decisions on it’s health kind of makes it a little different than the latest fad monitor.

MS does not make 3 billion a year from game pass. even if the current estimated 22 million subscribers each payed full price month by month it wouldn’t be making 3 billion a year. I don’t know why you pulled that number out of you exit hole but it’s grossly overstating how much they are pulling in, and not including

they get treated, how else do you think think the for profits get those fat right offs, run at a loss, pay the execs exorbitantly, and bankrupt the people that get treated?

From what I just read they are hitting a smaller asteroid that is orbiting a larger asteroid. It should adjust it’s orbit around the larger asteroid slightly (enough to be observed) but not enough to knock it out of its orbit.

Look, I’m not defending Microsoft or sticking up for them but that is a ridiculous argument. They shouldn’t try to make money on a game that they spent hundreds of millions on making and marketing? Because they are successful?

it’s well before thompson.  this is nothing new.  his shazz goes back to the nes

It’s been a little over a week, and they are tweaking.  Does the multiplayer suck?  Is it not fun for you?  It’s free.

That’s not true is it? Hell, i never even tried that (sounds boring as hell). I mean, so you can cheese the bosses (if true, still don’t believe it lol). Most every game has cheese strats (fuck you Ninja Gaiden) if you choose to use them. It doesn’t mean the whole game is bad.

I don’t recall that happening at all. Do you have a link because I may be mis-remembering. I recall at the end of the DC days that Sega approached MS regarding some kind of deal but were turned away.

Since the launch of the Gameboy Nintendo was never in a vulnerable position. Hell, the Pokemon franchise itself could have bank rolled the company. People did believe it back then, because of the focus on home consoles and the relative failure of the n64 (which was still profitable for them) but Nintendo had already

and if the money had been good enough they would have said thank you.

From rumors they were offering software developer money and trying to have Nintendo but out of hardware and become a second party developer. Completely independent to do whatever they wanted software side.  (remember that the game boy was a thing then).  Like it was a pitiful low ball offer.

That gyro control really worked out for the PS3 huh. The original XBOX and early XBOX 360 team was significantly closer to today’s xbox team.  Unfortunately it wasn’t until DM took over after Peter Moore left that things really started going off the rails. 

or keep the subsidies for public transportation and emergency services. If gas goes up like that then you can bet the people that actually need public transportation won’t be able to afford it any longer.