Vagina Pineapple

We always carried out daughter in a carrier, but if I was by myself with her, carrying a fuckload of groceries and struggling to open a door or something, I was only rarely offered help. If my husband was in the same situation, it was: “Let me get that for you, sir.” and “Do you want me to help you carry that?” etc

“Stop playing games and give America the security it deserves: a humanitarian crisis.”


How do I scrub this information from my brain?

What happened with the little girl ghost??

I’d think it was someone trying to scam me out of thousands of dollars by “selling” me a house they didn’t own.


Is it normal to be married with kids by 27 in your area?

UKIP was NEVER a major electoral force!

How do you think they’d do with someone younger, dynamic and kind of slick?

It’s kind of win-win for her though, isn’t it?

All the others look like Mitt clones that have gone wrong in subtly different ways.

This is who I always think of!

I always feel like there’s simultaneously too much chin and not enough of it.

So...did you do any digging? Because that would pique my curiosity something fierce!

I feel like he and Ivanka actually look quite alike and it really creeps me out.

I skimmed past that bit and had to scroll back up to check if you’d made it up.

They look like they’re related.

I feel, with the mommy groups, it actually takes time.

What the fuck kind of question was that? Why was he even asking? Was he planning an n-word extravaganza?

Like being in a horror movie and discovering the killer is actually someone you’ve known all along