Vagina Pineapple

That is the best “are you fucking kidding me” face I have ever seen.

First off: Congrats

I just posted up thread, but the best thing I did before both of my due dates was to get my eyelashes and eyebrows tinted. I looked a bit put together without having put any makeup on, and it helped my self esteem to look at the pics! Baby #2 is 2 weeks old now and even if I don’t manage to do any makeup then at least

Posting in solidarity with all the other lovely ladies keeping it real in the comments. No makeup? Check. Bags under my eyes that had only just begun? Check. Red splotch because I had managed to burst blood vessels under my eye while pushing? Yep!

Hubby was so giddy he forgot to hand my our daughter.

your expression is very “OH MY GOD I MADE THIS” and I dig it

Theres a photo of me about..3 hours or so after giving birth: My husband is lovingly holding our son. I’m in the background, looking on from the hospital bed with a box of Cheez-Its in my hand and a mouth full of Oreos.

True story: there is baby poop all over my chest at this point. They had to get me a new gown.

My eldest daughter was born about 1:15am, this is us shortly after. Hers was a great birth and I felt like I had just kicked all sorts of ass. :)

How to have a gorgeous post baby pic to post on-line? Photoshop. That way, you can also add a couple of celebrities to the background.

She always seems to me like she’s trying to Liz Lemon too hard.

I don’t get it. So porn for men is, you know, actual porn like photos and video of sex acts. According to Hearst, porn for women is sex tips? Now like any decent human I’m against advising grown women to eat a donut off their partner’s “member”, but I don’t think that advice is actually porn.

This is such goddamn fucking puritanical bullshit. It has me so irritated and incredulous that I can’t form a good response. Fuck this fucking shit.

I don’t know but I read Cosmo as a teen and early 20-something and it didn’t turn me into a degenerate fiend.

My grandmother made me wear a menstruation belt IN THE NINETIES. I honestly don’t know how she even found one.

Right? If I were doing spring cleaning, I’d automatically assume that the other person’s clothing, books, and mementos were off limits and any reduction of those items should be done by them or at their direction.

I remember reading about the menstrual belts and being SO CONFUSED.

i read this book before i really understood what periods were and for a brief time, the menstrual belt confused me and made me think periods came out of your belly button.

No matter if your collection is precious items like this or romance novels from the grocery store, DON’T FUCK WITH SOMEONE ELSE’S BOOKS.

My daughter is 12 and I bought her her own damn copy because that purple book? the one with the cover art shown above? that’s mine and it’s still in my closet.