
Trump’s Little Orange Penis



I found this actual footage of James Baldwin responding to Lemon’s comparison:

The toaster one reminds me of the time one of the librarians smelled food and tracked it down to a woman who was sitting at a reading desk with a crock pot plugged in underneath it, cooking chicken stew.

It is very strange I've never heard anything like it!

Hmmm maybe e it's from a past life !

Far less than this scumbag deserved.

I’v fucking had it with these magazines and media oulets referring to black and latina women as “so and so’s baby mama” - it’s racist af! They don’t refer to Nichole Kidman as Tom’s Cruise’s “baby mama” or any white woman who has a child with any white man of any level of fame.

That’s how most of us were introduced to her so I don’t think that’s particularly negative.

Matt Damon is shitting the bed so badly on the show this season, he should be the new spokesman for Depends.

“Was that so hard?” = “The situation has been resolved to my satisfaction, but I’d still like to start a fight about it.”

There’s something about ordering coffee that turns people into the Worst Fucking Person Ever (I realize that plenty of these assholes are in the running for that title, mind you).

Good. A Brian Fellows that, like any other Fellows sketch, was not good but did have an extremely large camel stealing the shots. A taped, weird bit involving the tango that I liked in it’s oddness. And then a ending sketch with him and Kenan running a public access show called “Where’s Jackie Chan” that was both not

I heard that it might have been because she saw Robin’s face on the news so they explained what happened. I’m not sure if that is accurate.

Every now and then, completely out of nowhere, I suddenly become afraid that Koko died and I didn’t hear about it and I rush to the internet to check. So far so good, but I will be a wreck when she’s no longer around. I love that gorilla.

“and ex-girlfriend Khloe Kardashian”

Wait, how does her doing this while pregnant make it more disgusting? I’m pretty sure we’ve already hit peak awful here, right?

As a white woman and a feminist I’m gonna go ahead and say yes, all white women. All white women, including feminists, have expressed racism or passively and knowingly accepted the benefits of racism at some point in their lives. We live in and benefit from a racist society, so yeah. All white women. If you don’t want

I didn’t say all. If the statement doesn’t fit you, then shut up because it’s not meant for you.