
She was on the original Love & Hip Hop in New York, not Hollywood.

Yeah sorry but living in NYC you don’t get to complain. Talk to me when you have 6 hours of sunlight in a day.

I would consider any explanation at this point! It’s always been a mystery to me.

This freaks me out because ever since I was little, I occasionally get a weird pressure right at the bridge of my nose where I have a birthmark that looks like a little hole similar to a chicken pox scar. I was born with it; my mom says it’s one of the first things she noticed when I was born. Every so often, I get a

Bridget worked for and lived with the family for almost three years. She was called Maggie the entire time.

They aren’t just stealing artifacts, they are funding terrorism. It’s not standup citizens looting ancient artifacts.

WITHOUT HER BABY. this woman’s baby has been taken away from her. there is no excuse for this.

Tom Bergeron has always given me lech vibes

I could tell when he was reading from the prompter in a way I found distracting. I don’t remember if he ever did that before? Anyway, not to minimize - I had more out loud laughs for this episode of SNL than most. Very glad he’s okay and back doing what he loves.

That camel had me laughing more than anything else in this episode tbh.

Holy shit... I never knew about that

I’m not one to irrationally dislike celebrities I’ve never met, but I have a friend who worked as an extra on set with Ms. Chastain and said she was the most insufferable bitch diva this person ever had the misfortune of working with.

Koko is extremely important to me too.

Lol nope. Women do masturbate, and early. We are just conditioned to stop. I started experimenting with masturbation when I was 8.

So many things here:

aw i like those

Can we all just agree that Lennon was kind of a piece of shit?

I didn’t think the cold open was funny at all. Porn Teacher made me laugh, and I also liked her little girl character on the City Council sketch.

Did you see security drag them off?