California had its own version of this -
California had its own version of this -
I don’t care what anyone says, I love Kim Kardashian. I have probably seen like 5 episodes of her show and much of what I know about her is from sites like these, but I really think she is hilarious and a cool person. She’s been around forever and honestly no one seems to ever have anything truly bad to say about her.…
Maybe we could make sure everyone has adequate sick leave for all the things? I mean many people have chronic recurring health issues of varying degrees.
The last number I saw for coal jobs (ALL) was under the number quoted for solar.
You could give it as a birthday present, especially for a milestone birthday like 35 or 40 or whatever. Or to celebrate a raise or promotion, or a new job, or a new house/apartment. Or even the birth of a niece or nephew (this is you’re Aunt’s Day gift). Or the anniversary of your friendship, or some other significant…
I’m rather sly.
Yeah I wonder about that too. But he did beat him to a pulp and if I remember correctly he threatened to hurt both of them. I’d let to think I would call immediately but maybe he let fear get the best of him? And what was the time line? I’m sure he didn’t leave with his phone...I don’t know enough about what happened…
Not to rain on Nicki’s parade, but this distinction of most hits on the Billboard top 100 for a female artist is dubious when you consider the fact that Glee holds the all time title with 207 appearances.
I’ve always loved this movie, partly for the reasons discussed in this interview. I remember watching this movie as a child with my mother — herself a German-Jewish refugee from Berlin who left on the Kindertransport at 15 — and seeing the tears in her eyes as she, too, sang along to the Marseillaise, and as she told…
I just commented this on a transphobic post that was all like, “In a sexual species, females have two X chromosomes and males have an X and a Y, I’m not a bigot it’s just science.” I’m a science teacher so I responded with this.
Yes, this was a poly triad, not a threesome. But of course, those without understanding of polyamory (or any marginalized relationship model) are incapable of discussing it without fixating on the sex. I’m just gonna start calling all monogamous couples “twosomes” from here on.
I can’t wait for this!!!
You can! On their donation page there should be an option to select a monthly donation instead of just a one-time one.
“You like your culture when it suits you lmaooo.”
See why my girl always deserves her praise?
I saw Kelly make that joke. I said to my husband, hey, he does what you do! For the record, my husband is not mean to me. But we’ve been married for a million years, and even a good, feminist dude is really, really nice to someone right before. And then soooo sleepy after.
There are a lot of good points but I struggle with the idea that partnership/marriage are inherently anti-feminist. This argument came up a lot about the fight for marriage equality; that advocating for it was against progressive values because it reinforces patriarchal and capitalist structures.
Please add the Brennan Center for Justice to the list. Two of their big issues are voter suppression and criminal justice reform. They also do great work with getting money out of politics and upholding privacy laws.