
What? She HAD to recant as a condition of not being civilly sued for slander.

Check out the part I quoted, lifted before Isha edited it. The 50s part was missing the first time around.

"The man, who is said to be in his mid-to-late lost the tips of....."

It's worth mentioning that Aramark was only allowed to begin bidding on the Michigan contract under current governor Rick Snyder, whose union busting appears to know no bounds. Moving the contract to Aramark, from the previous standard of using state employees, was supposed to save money. Instead, Aramark has been

This argument would be helped if leading white conservatives weren't using dog-whistle politics to invoke race in many of their critiques. I'm thinking here of GOP Candidate for President Mitt Romney's speech at the NAACP, for example, or Gingrich's use of the phrase "food stamp president."

I've honestly never seen

This. What is it about the n-word that makes some white folks so desperate to find a context in which they are allowed to use it? It's like, white folks can't say this one thing and we just can't handle it.

They did interviews with adult children of same-sex couples, but I'm not clear on whether they evaluated the kids who are currently minors.

One way to look at that using the same data set would be to compare kids adopted or born into same-sex couples (about 66% of this sample according to the paper) with kids born into heterosexual partnerships where one parent later entered into a same-sex relationship (only about 14% of the kids in this study).

If you click through to the full article, it appears they also relied on interviews with adult children of same-sex parents.…

So, not perfect (since they advertised in publications targeting the LGBTQ community and probably then drew a more sympathetic audience) but not

Something that I didn't see covered in the Times, but would like to know is this: How much does a dose of Prevnar cost in countries with single payer? If the government, as a massive consumer, is allowed to negotiate with the drug companies, how much does it cost then?

I'm guessing much less, which is a strong

Back in the day, when I was arguing with other mamas on my birth board (yes, I should have quit immediately) about this stuff, what I had heard was that everyone takes a hit on vaccines. Drug companies, doctors, everyone. Now I can't even use that line of argument because it turns out drug companies are making a

Except that it seems she WAS willing to supplement, just with a different formula. If that is the case, it might shift my thinking a bit. That is, aiming that what the doc prescribed was just formula.

I think it might be like how sometimes prenatals are "prescribed." No one ever convinced me that prescription prenatals were better than the ones at CVS but maybe if your OB/midwive "prescribes" them, insurance will pick up the tab?

That's kind of what I figured. Thanks for the info.

It's interesting, because I could see this conversation going differently if it were framed as "Nursing mom has daughter removed for refusing to supplement with formula."

Newborns aren't supposed to have straight cow's milk, but many of the leading formulas on the market are based on cow's milk. So...yeah, it's very likely that the doctor prescribed a formula supplement and it had cow's milk.…

I'm glad the authorities stepped in here. In general, it is legitimate to watch an infant for output (wet and dirty diapers) to determine whether she is getting enough to eat, but if your pediatrician is saying your baby is dehydrated, then it's time to get with the program.

I'm curious to know what the "medication"

I am always in favor of hearing the lived experiences of folks who have served time in our criminal justice system. We need to hear more and know more about the injustices and human rights violations being perpetrated in the name of "justice" and the "war on drugs."

That said, I don't necessarily think that this

It's right at the nexus of "G-d created measles" and "Big pharma is out to get us." In other words, it's pretty equally left and right.

Not long ago, I was looking into a parochial option for my oldest. The admissions materials said "By order of the Archdiocese of XXXX, we require that all students be vaccinated."

I'd never seen that before, but I'd love to see it happen more often in private schools. My little one's private preschool is at least

Honest question - do you need the extra 10 hours a day to train for a triathalon? Parental leave exists because infants require care 24 hours a day. How long could one possibly train every day for a sporting event at the non-professional level?