
This is also a strong argument for having parental leave be government subsidized rather than employer-paid.

I tend to agree. This article is long on speculation and short on facts. Yes, there is the potential for exploitation, but we don't actually know that exploitation is taking place. Maybe somebody who gets paid to write words for a living could do some research or talk to some folks and find out the circumstances

You are absolutely right. Anti-vaxxers firmly believe that getting "wild" pertussis or "wild" measles is better than getting the vaccine, assuming you live through the disease. They are sure that their kids will live, though, becuase something something chiropractors.

It seems the flight attendant was being a power-hungry jerk, and this never should have happened. That said - it really is a good idea to bring pull-ups on a flight like this. I learned the hard way after my daughter peed in her carseat on a long flight when turbulence kept us in our seats.

A little over one, and we are going through a big "no no no" phase, including "no no no" to the potty. It's okay because I know he knows what the potty is for, so it's just a matter of waiting until he thinks it is his idea.

It's an Accounting degree. I saw it in another article.

There are lots of excuses for not covering up. Including but not limited to:

1) She has a right to nurse wherever she wants;

I'm very sorry.

I can see how her focus on "be aware of your surroundings" COULD contribute to Point 1) but I can't see at all how it would impact Point 2).

You are an embarrassment to pro-choice women and should be shunned.

Stranger rape may not be how rape normally looks, but it is the lived experience of Ms. Gatto and her mother. I'm not sure how I feel about using this story (which is a brave thing to talk about in public) as a launching point for "But that's not what rape really looks like and she's hurting the cause and empowering

Totally. Most certified nurse midwives (CNMs) that I've ever seen make it clear that pain relief is your choice, and they will support you if you decide to get an epidural or not. My oldest was born with CNMs on a regular labor and delivery floor, and I had the option of an epidural or other pain relief but didn't

Congrats on the VBAC. You are hard-core, and I'm so glad your docs/midwives let you try. Squishy new baby! I miss having a tiny one!

Some homebirth midwives will attempt a VBAC at home, but the real issue is that many many hospitals won't allow a VBAC attempt even in the hospital. So...for many women the choice is mandatory repeat c-section or try for a VBAC at home.

Congrats! I forget - was this a VBAC for you? Either way, welcome baby girl!

Oh, and having birthed a 9 pounder myself without painkillers, I can verify that it hurt like the dickens. The dickens, I tell you! Sorry your epidural wore off - that sounds like it might be worse in some says, since your body wouldn't

What shenanigans said about estimating fetal size, but also keep in mind that babies often lose a little bit of weight right at the end because they are so squished and have done all their major growing. Good luck!

Right. I'm also worried that the pressure of having a camera crew and wanting to "prove" something will make these folks less likely to call in help when it is needed. I generally ascribe to the point of view that says most births are going to go well, and a trained medical professional can usually see bad outcomes

Easy labor vibes to you! Good luck!

"Our presence at these births is going to make them far safer than if they were doing it on their own,"

I'm not saying that Putin has no soul, or that Clinton's remarks were politically advisable, but the idea that Putin's crimes begin and end with LGBT rights and the invasion of Ukraine is laughable. The Second Chechen War? The handling of the Nord-Ost theatre crisis? Anna Politovskaya? Alexander Litvinenko?