
11. Drive and enjoy a car with sorted (and upgraded) suspension bushings!

I think this applies...

I’m just gonna say it... In my book the F-15 > F-35 always.

You have almost perfectly described my experience with CrossFit. Strength training 1 hr per day 3 days a week has done wonders for me and changed how I look at exercise.

Oh the internets...

I think the Mustang further adds to the smallness of the Golf. It makes it look 3/4 scale.

Haven’t been in a few years, just my experience.

I’ve been to Bristol, Richmond, and Daytona on multiple occasions and nothing compares to the mess that is Daytona post race. The buses take hours then you end up stuck in their mud parking lots for another hour or so. If all goes well you make it out and sit in traffic on I-4, I-95, US-92 instead. I thought Bristol

He also won 21 in 1971. #iamanascarguy

I’ll see your snake and raise you a spider.

Glad to see I wasn't the only one that caught that.

Bricklin SV1... Seats made from the cheapest vinyl imaginable, shifter fashioned from a paperclip, door panels with exposed screw fasteners, center console seemingly fashioned by blind gorilla... I could go on.

FWIW, the Brontosaurus never existed. Great articles Doug.

I’ve seen more Teslas in the D.C. Suburbs (Northern Virginia) than I can shake a stick at; don’t know where they are buying them.

My reaction when hearing the news...

I am the most level headed (read dull) person out there but this was me when Newman won Daytona / Indy.
