
I saw an i3 for the first time yesterday from the rear. It took me 20 seconds to realize what the hell it was and then I was like oh, cool.

I’m still trying to count the number of times /s should be used in this post.

I see fake wood paneling and my instant reaction is Family Truckster

It was up yesterday so my bet is it’s real.

A good, simple truck is like that hardworking person who just gets their job done competently and with little fanfare, because that's just what you're supposed to do. Useful when you need it, not a pain in the ass when you don't. That's the kind of truck I like best.

Changing DVR settings in 3, 2, 1...

Same thing happened to Old Dominion Speedway a few years ago except it was residential development. I have a piece of the track on my window sill at work.

I'm just going to leave this here...

#1. It will cost way more than you plan for...

Dear World,

Seeing Tony upset like this gives me hope that we may not have seen the last of Smoke. Also great to see Truex getting yet another top 10!

America, GET TO WORK!

Every time I think I'm ready to replace my 9 year old F150 I look at the price tag on a comparable new one and my dreams come crashing down. It doesn't help that random people feel the need to tell me how nice my truck is... Why can't I convince myself I need a shiny new toy! With 10 cameras, aluminum and lasers...

The other day I used a pair of scissors to turn a block of packing foam into a Baymax toy for my son. He liked it, and for a few moments there I felt like a pretty cool dad. Then I saw this dad's astounding 942 lb working 18 HP bulldozer he made for his kids, and I realized that, really, I'm a big pile of crap. This

I no, sometimes people have know clue!

Now, if you're still worried about your plate number, allow me to offer one other nugget of information that may help you sleep a little better — just in case your finger doesn't quite cover it in all your Craigslist photos. And that nugget is: EVERYONE ALREADY SEES YOUR LICENSE PLATE NUMBER EVERY TIME YOU DRIVE DOWN

This is awesome; you just simplified the stock market for me!! Bonus: I can put the plans for my backyard bunker on hold.

What are all the Busch haters going to do now that they have someone to hate again? They must have been so bored the last three weeks.

Sure, both violations gave these cars a performance advantage, but it's bizarre that intent didn't factor in more when ranking their severity. Fender mods have to be done to the car, so that one's pretty cut and dry. No one ever actually intends to toss a dangerous chunk of loose metal into a car to flop around and

You look at rocks and dirt under a microscope would be my guess. For what reason I have no idea