
Trucks don’t really get fewer MPGs than sports cars nowadays either. Just let people live their lives, damn

Truck people need not apologize for their choice in vehicle, just like no one in a sports car should apologize for theirs. The whole hating on trucks/cuvs/SUVs things is dumb and tired. Don’t like that I get less mpgs than you? Eat a scabby dick and worry about your own pitiful and sad existence.

The dark chocolate Milky Way is one of humankind’s greatest accomplishments, and while its not-as-good cousin the regular Milky Way pales in comparison, it’s still better than garbage-ass regular M&Ms, which are objectively the worst candy in the image. I would kick out M&Ms without a second thought.

Eh. The problem is that it’s one call. Or part of one call. What should happen, by law, is the full whistleblower complaint being submitted to Congress (which Trump is stopping from happening).

Look, I grew up around a lot of uneducated, ignorant people. This is just how they speak. Always hyperbole. Always phrasing things in confusing or inaccurate terms. Always blustery. Always ridiculous.

Sorry I'm an expert 

Ya know what takes even more effort than telling your kid no? Actually discussing internet safety protocols with them as soon as possible. These safety issues don’t magically go away when they become an adult. Everything you teach them will still be relevant when they become old enough (in your eyes) to get a smart

Hard disagree on your hard disagree. Interesting. I find everything Buttigeig says to be highly personal, well thought out, well considered, and I especially think he has a knack for talking points that not only land his ideas well, but strategically have the best chance of getting the independent turnout the

Any one else hate the Sonos app? Controlling spotify through the app is a huge pain.

Fuck off. It’s not quite victim blaming, but it’s not far off. I don’t agree with Pelosi’s comments, but she has nothing to do with Trump/Republicans being racist fuckweasels.

Context matters. Marginal headlight rating is actually Best-In-Class!

Before everyone starts complaining that the original bronco had a v8. If you want to keep it“original” then you can go ahead and push for all 150 HP in the original v8. I’ll take this 4 cylinder with 275 HP.

At least I know how I’m gonna go, I guess.

I’ve been saying for a few years now the real test of if you’re a millennial is if your TV science guy is Bill Nye.

Dammit, that looks really good. I can’t afford a 99th streaming platform though!

House Democrats are currently devising a plan to create a strategy to discuss the notion of considering the possibility of holding a meeting to whiteboard ideas for creating a task force to determine the viability of further exploring the possibility of maybe subpoenaing Mueller.

It’s how they got there too, a reworked cylinder head and a different turbo setup means this could have a lot more potential for tuning than the base one. That they changed all that and didn’t get that much power means there’s probably a lot left on the table and they didn’t want to fly too close to V8 performance.

I’d argue the opposite. He knows very much what he can and cannot say. He knows what Comey did when he shot the fucking gun long before appropriate and ran his mouth, imploding trust in the FBI, the CIA and had gotten us into this mess (partially) through Comey’s choices.

Now playing

Whatever, the fact of the matter is that no Raptors = no Raptors mascot = no inflatable Raptors mascot pratfalls, and no one in their right mind wants to live in a world where this never happened: