
Let me guess, he called in the bomb threat from his cell phone...

I’ll shoot yo ass in the fucking head before you walk out that door with my son.”

Did Washington just run a linebacker over to the left side on every play? Because it sure looks like they just expected every play to be a left side screen. It’s like watching a 6-year old play Madden: One of these days this play that keeps failing is going to work!

There is something sublimely inept about the combination of the pessimism that causes one to call a series of screen passes and the optimism that designs those screen plays so that all the blockers on the screen side are running to start their blocking assignments five to seven yards downfield, when the receiver never

The blocking on those screen passes is ATROCIOUS. Like instead of hands they have flippers.

Peterson finished with 118 yards rushing on 23 carries, and he fumbled on the two yard line

Yeah, I have very little sympathy for them in this case.

“creators of the Stellaris IP—are publishing Stellaris: Galaxy Command, they’re not developing it inhouse. Instead, that job went to Hong Kong studio Gamebear, whose previous title Nova Empire...looks a lot like Stellaris: Galaxy Command,”

As a former New Yorker, New York City pizza isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.

I don’t care what it looks like its The Witcher 3 portable. Thats like gaming alchemy. It shouldn’t be possible. But it is!

Yes, we know. We know, we all know, because New Yorkers cannot resist posting this same comment any time any pizza that wasn’t made with the sacred water of New York is mentioned in any context.

Nah. We’re not talking about pitting Casey’s pizza v. DOP Neapolitan pizza here. It’s Casey’s v. Domino’s, Pizza Hut, Papa John’s, etc. Among that group of competitors, Casey’s is a beacon in an otherwise dark, gloomy world. Plus your flyover bullshit is a tired trope. 

Converting one of them would’ve done them no good, the refs would’ve just tossed even more flags.

Actually it does help. With all the bullying China does concerning Hong Kong and Taiwan (and also Tibet and Xinjiang), all publicity helps, because to us here in Asia it seems people in the West have forgotten about how awful the Chinese regime is. I guess the money is good. Appeasement politics with a regime like

If Epic bans a streamer for speaking out on Hong Kong, then I’ll be upset; so far they haven’t.  It’s not about how deep you are in their pockets, it’s about whether you let fear of losing Chinese money push you around.

What are you mad about? Do you want people to be as upset at Epic as Blizzard? Or are you just raising awareness of Fortnite’s Tencent connection? Like, be clear dude.

My father was invited to join the US Army in the late 1960s.  He was very lucky and ended up as a company clerk in Germany in a mechanized infantry division. One day the Sargent came in and told him to move some vehicle. His response was "But Sarge, I don't have the endorsement for that."  Sarge said "Gimme your

Step 1 declare your property an independent country

I used to drive by a Cobra helicopter parked in the yard of some National Guard building on a seemingly random North Carolina back road when returning from the beach. You come around the corner and there’s an airship pointed at you--pretty cool after you shit your pants the first time.