
Why is this film different?

I’ve seen a lot of my friends hand wringing over this movie, saying we shouldn’t support it because it might encourage negative acts, and my response has always been “Yeah, but what about every Scorcese film?”

Look, I’m not a DC fanboy or a Dowd hater. I never was.But this review is one of the worst that I have ever read on here.

This may be the first ripped-from-the-comics spectacle that’s also, essentially, a one-man show.

Joker is almost entirely humorless

“...including the one that donned the costume of The Joker himself before opening fire on an Aurora auditorium:”

How much of “this film” is there if it mostly retreads another director’s work?

The director is a Scorsese fan, but not as good as Scorsese? Mind. Blown. I’m sure we’re all terribly impressed that a film critic is familiar with the films of perhaps the greatest director of all time, but a review of this film would have been nice. This reads like you’re trying to impress a girl at a bar. 

Here you go. Apparently vaccines are made of dead babies, cause brain damage and gender fluidity. 

2019 word of the year: treason. I’m 57 and I’ve never heard that word bandied about with such frequency and misunderstanding.

Reminds me of the Pro-lifers that murder doctors.  Every life is worth saving unless you disagree with me.

Man, these anti-vaxxers sure do love trying to expose other people to diseases. 

The new auditions for the Rockettes have taken a sinister jingoist turn.

In all of the lists of Senators mishaps from 2018 one that almost never gets mentioned is Cody Ceci’s dinner party where one of the guests was lit on fire.

Shouldn’t this have accompanied your initial impressions in some form? Instead of completely omitting mention of the microtransactions? That tied to the apologetic tone of this write up for the sake of Ubisoft, the coverage is kinda concerning.

Blue Jackets fan here since the day they were announced, so man, this felt good. 

I wish. My job was implementing the script logic and doing a little bit of facial animation scripting. Our producers flew down to LA for the day when Mr. Nimoy did his VO. I did, however, just by way of repeated exposure, at one point know every line in the first 5 “chapters” of the game by heart, and could respond to

Awesome! Seaman was the 1st game I worked on. You couldn’t comfortably work on Seaman, either.


Oh, perfect, I can finally play Seaman comfortably.