
They should lower it another foot and leave the sign the same.

*Fingers Crossed they don’t mention that while the bridge is being raised, the road bed is being raised as well, so the total clearance is going to remain the same.

Sometimes when you try to cover something up you have to look incompetent to avoid looking guilty.

The school recently announced the hiring of new head coach Greg Brandory

For me it was the Hahaha tattoos. Was he worried he’d forget his catchphrase?


While I can understand his frustration that he was left out of a Joker movie when he was supposed to be relaunching that character, it sounds like it mostly all came down to him acting like a dipshit. Hollywood generally cuts a lot of slack for assholes if they can make bank but if you’re gonna be a complete pain in

Hot Topic is pretty small so he wouldn’t have been able to take the Joker very far

It’s okay, I’m sure Morbius will afford Leto the opportunity to cement his rich Method Comic Book acting legacy.

Financial ruin?

How about the new pop up ads when reading on your phone? 

This is why my default is to have the sound turned off.

so glad the spanfellerians have turned this into an NFL blog.

And you don’t think Hasbro might have some relationship with China?

Blitzchung’s “contract” (if you want to call it that) didn’t explicitly forbid him from doing what he did either.

Skins are just three games off of first.

The protesters in Hong Kong are covering their faces to avoid facial ID and protect against gas.  Thus, masks have become a symbol of the protest movement.

indicating his support for the pro-Democracy protests in Hong Kong. (Protesters in Hong Kong wear masks to obscure their identity from government surveillance and stay safe from tear gas.)

I’ve always had respect for Wizards of the Coast, it’s nice they’re actually respecting the freedom of speech of their players as well.