
The internet runs on routers. The world wide web, however, runs on servers.

God I love Borderlands 2


Congratulations! You can read! Now, if only we could get those typing skills up to par. Yes, it says it can be consumed hot, but those little bags inside are intended for making iced tea. I can also eat a frozen pizza without cooking it, but that isn't what you're

I don't consume coffee, but my fiance has a Keurig and she loves it. I also eat gas station burritos and I use Taco Bell brand flavoring packets when I make tacos. Cheap and easy stuff is good in its own way. Not everyone has to be an elitist food snob.

Lipton is not shitty tea. It is iced tea. It is designed to be consumed cold.

Your anecdote means nothing to this conversation. Anecdotes are not scientific evidence.

They got rid of the "fingers of death", as far as I know. The egg omelette is still there though.

The cursor is a vertical line on the left side because it denotes the position that the insertion point will be at when you click in a line of text. You can line it up between two characters more easily with the straight line.

Looks better than the omelet.

Did you ever stop to think that maybe everyone in the entire world already knew that? I'm pointing out the fact that they're pushing this inane bullshit that .02 percent of the entire user base of facebook actually "Needs", instead of a dislike button, which is something all of us on facebook have desired at one time

Still waiting on a fucking dislike button. But that's ok facebook, go ahead and cater to less than 1% of 1% of the population who feel that their chromosomes don't define their gender, instead of the 99 to 100% of us who want a dislike button.

I think the picture is a little wrong. Wouldn't the light be emitted from the junction of the differing materials, and not the middle?

Most of your organs are actually pretty sturdy! Its pretty cool when you think about it.

Considering that the recommended daily intake is 2000 to 2500 calories, you might want to redo your math.

Nope, it lays right on the bottom.

Are you fucking retarded? It would be far cheaper on the taxpayers if they were indeed unemployed, since the TSA is paid by the government from... YOUR FUCKING TAX DOLLARS.

All they have to do is make the shit compliant with some major industry standard and we wouldn't have these issues at all. This is why XML exists.

The surgery clearly failed, because they look like hideous mutants now.

Disregard, post borked