
Please understand that all antibiotics (and all medications) have risks and benefits, but don’t imply that “if your doc is handing out cipro for a UTI, at this point they should know better.” You also need to know the local drug resistance profile to know what you should be prescribing. Where I work, E. coli (the

Vatican City

Goodyear’s negligence has killed people, and Jalopnik should report on every single aspect of this until they’re properly held to account for their actions.

It’s not beating a dead horse, it’s investigative journalism. When more details of something arise, or you learn of another incident involving a potentially horribly defective product, you write and you inform so that more of the public becomes aware. 

Can someone photoshop the Goodyear logo in place of the horse?

Tell me again how it is that Kotaku’s staff reconciles its constant bitching about the objectification of women in videogames while promoting this shit?

A standard practice when writing an article on a video game is to provide easy access to it along with some vital information like the price and whether it’s on sale right now.

I do, but I’m here, reading a review, that should cover such information. Normally they do, a lot of games are free to play, a lot of games are cheaper than the usual 60 bucks because they aren’t huge triple A titles.

Not including pricing leaves it incomplete.

I’m being nitpicky because well, this is a review. How can

The game is $16 on Steam.

Wait, hold up, is it $1,000,000?

Is this game free? 10 dollars? 20? 39 dollars? 60?

“An DMA-triggered interrupt handler rapidly reads instructions from this buffer and translates them to DAC-compatible SPI instructions”

That’s some Clive Barker stuff.

That’ll teach that buck-toothed asshole not to predict an early Spring again.


Easy to capitalize on. Just have a fork launching gun and knife mode. Then you can play fork knife in fortnite.

Damn kids always getting the credit, I’m old school calling it forknife. When it first came out on console we started calling it “Emreil Batali’s Cutlery Challenge” cause one of the guys we play with called it forknife all the time and were all in our 30's. And we are also possibly quite immature.

The more you know...

  • I love deadlines. I love the whooshing noise they make as they go by.

Who are you to decide who’s private fantasies are moral or not? Video games are not real, therefore go ahead and do what you want to do.