
Disregard, post got borked

Well, apparently everyone on XBOX Live has had sexual relations with my dead mother.

Not only is the price listed here for the G500 incorrect ($58, not $38), the G500 has some major issues. The microswitches for the left and right click buttons are completely sub par and wear out very quickly. Additionally, they can be borked right out of the box if you live in a very low humidity environment,

Of course, there's no possible legitimate purpose for anything I disagree with, right?

The ability to play mkv!

Really? It did? Why? Alternative medicines are a SCAM, and ANYONE who says different, is an idiot, or is lying to you.

The strong magnetic field of an MRI will cause the gold to develop an electric potential, which will magnetize it.

Privacy nuts, huh? How about when law enforcement abuses this? And they do. In fact, my local police department has done it, and they got in BIG trouble. Except, then they didn't. It was quietly swept under the rug. They made it go away. The person who had their rights violated (he was being stalked by a police

Celluloid lamp shades?! Good lord, just think of the fire hazard.

I have seen some pretty amazing Etch A Sketch art in my day, but I can't personally do anything besides 90 degree turns. It must be something you really have to practice.

A fine fellow on youtube by the name of ashens has a great review of both versions of this excellent pile of junk.

They needed to see exactly how fucked they all were.

By your logic, since steel isn't radioactive, cobalt 60 and uranium aren't, either, considering that they look similar, and can be machined. The fact is, it doesn't matter what people think about something, what matters is the facts of a thing, and the fact here is that vaping isn't smoking, and people's perception

Why is it not okay? Because it looks like smoking? That is a ridiculous statement if I ever heard one.

First of all, the "Jury" is most certainly not out on whether vaporizers pose a health risk to people who aren't using them ("sidestream vapor"). There have been several really great and well documented scientific studies in the last few years that absolutely, positively prove that the harm to non-users is

Apparently you and I are the only human beings ever to have watched "Reign of Fire".

That is completely understandable, but there are a large variety of great companies in the US and China that hold themselves to a higher standard and produce fine, safe liquids. Unfortunately, there are a couple of bad apples in the bunch.

Soda Stream machines cost way too much, even at a $55 price point. All they are is a valve which connects the CO2 canister to your soda mix bottle. I made the same thing out of components from the hardware store and a refillable paintball CO2 tank that a friend gave me for $17.

"but the idea of inhaling nicotine from a mystery mix of liquids and chemicals can be off-putting at best". Except it hasn't been a mystery in a long time, and the science is already in on it. It is far less harmful to vape on propylene glycol/vegetable glycerine mixes that contain food flavorings and nicotine than

The DJI Phantom is $463, and eligible for Amazon prime's free 2 day shipping. It is designed to mount a GoPro Camera, which is considerably cheaper than the camera he used. He could have had a much cheaper failure.