
My buddy just got rid of x35d X5 for $4,500 at Carmax about a month ago. One-owner car with 130k (he drives a lot between SoCal and NorCal). Right around 120k, it was just one calamity after another with the various diesel components. The final nail in the coffin was the failure of the DPF filter. We finally found the

Agreed. The facelift took a crisp design and made it look GTA-bland.

They had a subsidiary here in SoCal in the early 2000s, called RRR/RRR Game/Red Round Racing, but ended up closing down. They now have a US warehouse and an internet-only store. You can find them on Facebook under Upgarage USA Co., Ltd. and on Instagram under @upgarageusa_official.

...Belgian engineer Zora Arkus-Duntov ...

Now playing

Second-hand Japanese cars en route to Russia. Screen-grab from Russian documentary film “Экстремальные Километры” (“Extreme Kilometers”).

I started college as pre-med. In a chem lab class, I, for one reason or another (I believe I was attempting to look at the solution inside... I cannot now recall why), picked up a beaker with acid and tipped it while holding it at approximately eye level. Evidently, I tipped it a bit too far as acid poured out and

Not only was he stopped by the police, but I had photos of it before the Imagestation debacle. My friend had just purchased a brand new blue Acura CL Type S and we were driving in the valley when Frankie pulled up to us in the Jetta. He revved, we revved, light turned green, he took off, we didn’t. A couple of blocks

That’s what I was thinking!  I thought she’d just keep going with the shrimp... :)

This seems appropriate to post here. My S13 and my friend’s R33 at Signal USA, circa 2003-2004.

I don’t have HBO so don’t watch the show but, from these pics, at least, credit should also be given to the license plates used, as they’re like 99% correct.

Practically, I think you gloss over how much more robust the economy is than it had been under the 8 years of the previous guy. The tax code is fixed, my health care costs have plummeted, the unemployment rates are way down. New jobless claims are practically non-existent. The Koreas are talking, ISIS is beaten, my

I was aware of the Swallow Doretti but never knew the story behind it. Dorothy Deen seemed like an interesting character. Wonder how things would have changed if she had accepted the West Coast BMW distributorship.

Also, the Puma had the best ad ever:

That’s a Rav4.


I live just a few miles away from Universal. This should have been simple. But nope, I’m a total failure.

Now this is just excessive flashbacks and I’ll keep sharing them, since I haven’t thought about these people in at least a decade.

Oh, I subscribed to SCC as well.

I’m now having Adam Saruwatari RX7 (and, to a lesser extent, NSX) flashbacks.

At the time this was happening, aftermarket stuff was incredibly expensive or didn’t really exist at all.  Thieves were selling these off to be repurposed for Civics, etc.