
Is it possible that Will, the author of the e-mail, is playing an elaborate prank on Jalopnik? If his neighbor consistently parked an F40 outside, why no daytime pictures? After all, Will can go outside and snap some pics any time. Why choose a dark night to do so?

That video is very hard for my brain to process for some reason.

Why does Israel have to keep itself so separate, expand its borders so far, be so undemocratic to Palestine?

Again, what pathways to legal residency (much less naturalization) are open to an 18-year old UK resident with no close US-based legal resident relatives who wants to move to the US? P and O visas don’t count, he wasn’t famous then and couldn’t land them.

Free someone who has all the resources available to go through the naturalization process, and still doesn’t?

I had just turned 10. It was a year after we had moved to the US and my grandfather had just purchased a Chevy Citation II. I walked out with him as he was leaving our place and asked him if I could drive the car a couple of car lengths. He said sure, and handed me the keys. I jumped in and he decided to stand outside

Just google it, there are lots of articles, including Wiki and Jalopnik.

This stuff is not factory. None of them are. Flashing under hard braking is entirely different than this terrible Flash-every-time-the-pedal-is-touched crap.  Dealers are installing them as part of a “Safety Package.” They usually end up on FCA (especially Fiat), Nissans and Hyundai/Kias around here (SoCal).

If you’re really jonesin’ for some Ceasar, hop on a plane, fly to San Diego, drive across the border and have the real thing. Ceasar’s Restaurant is still in business in TJ (the city’s oldest restaurant, btw).

Please keep us updated and good luck to you and your neighbors! 

Here, now you have your Le Mans. Does that finally make the GTO a GTO?

I fell your pain.

Dude, you’re me!

Various dictionaries/translators refer to them as “универсал” but I distinctly remember that, for the Zhiguli 2102, the word was “пикап.” Of course, the meaning of that has changed since the term “pick-up” actually entered the lexicon in the last 25 years, so now a Google search for “2102 пикап” results in a bunch of

Not only that, but a Fiat version of it can be yours today for just $3,200 (some work required):

He had a driver’s license (so he was able to drive a manual... at some point) but no car in the USSR. He had been trying to buy a blue 2102 wagon before we left. The GTI purchase was 7 years after leaving, so I’m sure his manual driving skills did not improve with time. In fact, the one and only time I’ve seen him

You had the wrong pastrami sandwich.  For future reference, the #19 at Langer’s is what you should have had.

If you liked those 90's photos, maybe you’ll appreciate these. Remember how I said I saved all the Photobuys/Autobuys I purchased? Well, here are some pics from those (both my 1996 car search and the 1998 search that resulted in the Mk3):

He didn’t buy the GTI.  He just wanted to get rid of the Stanza.  He ended up with a brand-new Maxima which was soon traded in for a brand-new Pathfinder.

Story time.