Nah, Beer Bad's all right - drunk Buffy is pretty funny (spinning in her chair), and isn't that the episode where Willow gives Parker the business for being such a douche?
Nah, Beer Bad's all right - drunk Buffy is pretty funny (spinning in her chair), and isn't that the episode where Willow gives Parker the business for being such a douche?
—Beginning with right before her monologue in "The Gift" through Spike's collapse up to "She Saved the World / A Lot"
—Beginning with right before her monologue in "The Gift" through Spike's collapse up to "She Saved the World / A Lot"
on those two records, some of the songs were definitely overproduced, underwritten (or overly re-written) pop cash-grabs. It's a bit of bummer, but I get where Liz was coming from (at least publicly) at the time. However, both of those records also have quite a few other tracks that, perhaps not "classic" Liz Phair…
on those two records, some of the songs were definitely overproduced, underwritten (or overly re-written) pop cash-grabs. It's a bit of bummer, but I get where Liz was coming from (at least publicly) at the time. However, both of those records also have quite a few other tracks that, perhaps not "classic" Liz Phair…
Not her best moment, to be sure. But that album, as balls-out weird as it is in spots (which I kind of like, but don't love), does have a few great songs - "And He Slayed Her" is super.
Not her best moment, to be sure. But that album, as balls-out weird as it is in spots (which I kind of like, but don't love), does have a few great songs - "And He Slayed Her" is super.
I hear ya man, it's like hearing "Loser" on classic rock radio. Fuck.
I hear ya man, it's like hearing "Loser" on classic rock radio. Fuck.
I dig your sentiment, man, but Liz Phair slays Kim Deal from top to bottom and in nearly every other direction possible.
I dig your sentiment, man, but Liz Phair slays Kim Deal from top to bottom and in nearly every other direction possible.
Um, fuck you and anybody else who says Last Splash is twenty years old. That shit is NEW, man, I swear. I mean, I just put "Canonball" on this one mix tape I made last week . . .
Um, fuck you and anybody else who says Last Splash is twenty years old. That shit is NEW, man, I swear. I mean, I just put "Canonball" on this one mix tape I made last week . . .
Not after JFK's inauguration, though.
Not after JFK's inauguration, though.
It's popular because the video is pure, sweet awesomeness. That's all. I recommend it like I recommend Guinness to the uninitiated - the first pint might be a bit meh, but man, oh man, that second pint . . .
It's popular because the video is pure, sweet awesomeness. That's all. I recommend it like I recommend Guinness to the uninitiated - the first pint might be a bit meh, but man, oh man, that second pint . . .
yup, and a accomplishment, too!
yup, and a accomplishment, too!
Kind of like an . . . I don't know . . . standard?