I'm a Dude Playing a Dude Disguised as Another Dude

Inspections and quality control is also a big part of it. When a bolt is tested from the lots of metals used, the resulting alloy content, the forging, the machining, and destructive testing of samples, it’s no surprise that the bolts that hold a wing onto a $75 million aircraft cost $600 each instead of the 79 cent

I would always have an end of FY “wish list”, approved by my command, my major command, and at the Pentagon G-staff level. I would ensure all of my budget was spent, so the wish list was in case other people in my command, or the major command level had money they were in a panic to spend before midnight, September

Every hot tub/Jacuzzi on a ship, in a hotel, and in public apartment and condo complex should be permanently marked off with biohazard tape. Things go on in there which we should not speak of.

The first generation is bad ass, but this one will do.  NP.

Anyone who wants this has never drove or even rode in one. Loud, slow, the worst seats ever, and added misery in the winter where the “windows” actually direct air into the cabin. It’s a lawn tractor that seats four.

I guess GM never heard of Poka-Yoke.

The Iron Duke still powers the 35-year-old USPS LLV that chugs by my house every day (except Sunday, of course.)

Mercedes-Benz is a mere shell of its former self. They’ve joined the other German manufacturers where you fear owning one after the warranty expires because it’s a four-figure bill whenever it goes in the shop. Cost cutting is just going to add to their downward spiral. Maybe they should just build quality cars that

Guess I’ll buy a high-end Expedition.  That is, if I ever wanted to buy a Ford at this point in time.

Many near me, but BP isn’t Top Tier anymore.  So, hard pass.

The price and mileage are too damn high.

I’ve got Bill Gates’ nano chips floating in my body from those damn vaccines. Now this?

MAGAs think tariffs come out of the exporting nation’s pockets. Of course, Trump and the RWNJ media refuse to tell them how tariffs really work.

Deducting thousands in order to get a few hundred in tax withholdings is a bad deal. Hell, I have family members who think a tax refund is free money given by the government.

Scrap value only.  ND.

I would imagine the only way hydrogen cars will “blow up” is if the tank holds the correct amount of oxygen mixed with the hydrogen.

On occasion, he will (rightfully) turn into a complete asshole when interviewing a failed CEO. He tore Laxman Narasimhan a new one before he got ousted from Starbucks, and Boeing’s infamous Dave Calhoun, while he was gaslighting his shareholders and the public in general.

I watch Cramer every morning just for entertainment value.

What’s with Albuquerque lately?  How about an Aztec from there tomorrow?

Listening to Trump talk is like listening to a 13-year-old girl talk after she drank half of a wine cooler.