Age + Miles + Sketchy Title + Price = NFD
Age + Miles + Sketchy Title + Price = NFD
As my memory serves, “moonroof” was a lame Iacocca advertising invention when he was at Ford.
IMHO, the GM Unitized Power Package was the only FWD drivetrain that was as reliable as any RWD configuration.
The Ancient Greeks knew about hubris. Hell, they wrote a bunch of tragedies about.
I was under the impression that vehicles in the last 20 years or so eliminated mechanical shift selectors and are fully electronic, and the ECM/TCM will prevent you from doing something stupid like shifting from reverse to drive while moving or accidently bumping the selector into reverse while cruising at 80 mph.
There will be one hell of a tsunami, though.
Are any of the betting apps in on this action? I feel lucky!
We could tax fuels to the extent that they do in Europe and almost every other developed country, causing the need to consume less and add to the nation’s coffers for frivolous expenditures like universal health care and top-notch public transportation. But fuck that. We are America, and we think we are the best at…
When cars go out of warranty, with the exception of recalls, manufacturers couldn’t give a furry rat’s ass about you, and they treat dealerships like red headed stepchildren. I truly don’t see their end game here.
I knew who I could trust to work from home, and who I knew wouldn’t do dick and have nothing to show but excuses. It’s a case-by-case decision
The Trans Am fender vents is the turd on top of this pile of shit. ND.
You reminded me of the last high school reunion I attended.
He was, for all intents and purposes.
RWNJ media has been giving me headaches over the last eight years, making me regret my graduate studies in economics.
The MAGAs have no problem with Doublethink. Whether Oceana is at war with Eurasia or Eastasia makes no difference to them because they rewrite history on an hourly basis.
They should have named it “Galaxie”.
Paying interest on a depreciating asset doesn’t seem to be a good strategy.
That manifests itself to this very day. Since ATCs have a career of 20 years, a large part of ATCs had to retire during 2001-2002. The ones replacing them retired during 2021-2022. The COVID 2020 year didn’t help either.
HOPE is the plan of most Americans.
Nope. They will drive their F-150 on their daily, 60-mile round trip commute AND bitch about the price of gas.